Wicked Problems, Wolfpack Solutions Open Course Library

We created a website to openly share presentations from the Wicked Problems, Wolfpack Solutions course with educators, prospective students and their families, alumni, and the general public.


Wicked Problems, Wolfpack Solutions is a multidisciplinary experience created for all incoming first-year and transfer students at NC State University. Each year, this course focuses on a current “wicked problem,” defined as a highly complex problem that can only be addressed through collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts. The course explores possible solutions through the perspectives of NC State scholars representing many different areas of study and reflects NC State’s commitment to the inclusion of individuals and ideas from a broad diversity of backgrounds and experiences.

The course features outstanding talks given by some of NC State’s best scholar communicators. Because of the high quality and relevance of these presentations, we made them openly accessible to educators, prospective students and their families, alumni, and the general public as an educational resource and showcase of NC State work.

How We Did It

We used the open source, community-led publication platform PubPub for our website. We issued Crossref DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for each of the talks to facilitate citations and discoverability.