User talk:קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן

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സമൂഹ മാധ്യമങ്ങളിലൂടെ ഏറ്റവും പ്രചരിച്ച നിലൂഫെർ പകർത്തിയ അലൻ കുർദിയുടെ ഫോട്ടോ, ഇടത് നിന്ന് രണ്ടാമത്
Behütet die Kinder! – Guard the children! – Gardu la infanojn!

Gangleri SUL · all subpages T is an alias of לערי ריינהארט contributions · rights ·
c:User talk:קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן · eo:user:i18n/vector.js · קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן ·
Version · SiteMatrix · CentralAuth ·
PAGEID: 65288749 · links here · purge · e · LTR
List of articles every Wikipedia should have

commons:talk page
Pythagorean triplesPrice's iteration tree m:
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn uploads by no biasקיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצןkeyn umvisndike preferentsn
red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 23:32, 31 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
my subpagestalk subpagesşș; ŞȘ; ţ ț; ŢȚ
subpagestalk subpages from user:לערי ריינהארט


-- MichaelSchoenitzer (talk) 16:36, 23 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

LibraryThing author ID (P7400) talk WLH examples

query abput identifier value based on:

(LibraryThing author ID (P7400) of Hans Dama (Q114808))

?item wdt:P7400 "damahans"
Try it!

GND ID (P227) talk WLH examples

query abput identifier value based on:

(GND ID (P227) of Shūgorō Yamamoto (Q7506266))

?item wdt:P227 "118952668"
Try it!

(ICD-10 ID (P494) of spasticity (Q117060))

  1. — Spastik — Sachbegriff
  2. — Spastiker — Sachbegriff
  3. — Spastiker-Zentrum (Maulbronn) — Organisation
  4. — Hessing-Stiftung. Förderzentrum für Kinder — Organisation
  5. — Harburger Spastiker-Verein — Organisation

?item wdt:P227 "4182110-5"|"4198065-7"|"5344975-7"|"16141966-5"|"5317094-5"
Try it!

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?richtungLabel WHERE {
 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8192.
 ?item wdt:P1406 ?richtung.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?richtungLabel WHERE {
 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8192.
 OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1406 ?richtung.} .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

SELECT ?item ?youtubeid ?itemLabel WHERE {
 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8053529.
 ?item wdt:P1651 ?youtubeid.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

SELECT ?item ?youtubeid ?item_EN ?item_EO ?item_DE
   WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8053529.
    ?item wdt:P1651 ?youtubeid.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_EN.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "eo".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_EO.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_DE.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
Try it!

SELECT ?item ?item_EN ?item_EO ?item_DE ?type ?type_EN ?type_EO ?type_DE
  ?item wdt:P31 ?type.
  ?item (wdt:P407|wdt:P103|wdt:P1412)* wd:Q8641.
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_EN.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_EN.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "eo".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_EO.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_EO.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_DE.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_DE.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
} ORDER BY DESC(?type)
Try it!

language queries

jida lingvo ייִדיש‎ Yiddish (Q8641Yiddish_list; Esperanto (Q143Esperanto_list; ruman-cigana lingvo (Q2669199) ← att: [[user:Pablo Grass|]
aŭtoro Alkanot4ran

This query is about Yiddish (language). Please help improve the Wikidata items. Click on the link at the end of this paragraph. Wait until the query is loaded. Click on the big blue arrow. It will take some time to load the 1220 items related to Yiddish. The list is sorted by instance of values. If a second column is disaplaying a link, this will be a link to a Youtube video. Good luck and thanks in advance for your help!

cc: Deborahjay, DGtal, Jetam2, קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן, Israeli Homo Sapiens, TheIsraeliSudrian, פוילישער, Redaktor, -- -- --, 1

example: Bayerische Philharmonie (Q17521517)

  1. instance of (P31) talk WLH examples
    1. native language (P103) talk WLH examples, languages spoken, written or signed (P1412) talk WLH examples, writing language (P6886) talk WLH examples, language used (P2936) talk WLH examples, language of work or name (P407) talk WLH examples, original language of film or TV show (P364) talk WLH examples, inscription (P1684) talk WLH examplesYiddish (Q8641) talk WLH
    2. YouTube video ID (P1651) talk WLH examples

SELECT ?item (URI(CONCAT("", ?item_FOO)) AS ?reason) (URI(CONCAT("", ?videoid)) AS ?video) ?item_EN ?item_YI ?item_DE ?type ?type_EN ?type_YI ?type_DE
  ?item wdt:P31 ?type.
  ?item (wdt:P103|wdt:P1412|wdt:P6886|wdt:2936|wdt:P407|wdt:P364)* wd:Q8641.
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1651 ?videoid. }
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_EN.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_EN.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "yi".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_YI.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_YI.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_DE.
            ?type rdfs:label ?type_DE.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ff".
            ?item rdfs:label ?item_FOO.
     } hint:Prior hint:runLast false.
} ORDER BY DESC(?type)
Try it!

BEACON by Matthias Reinert (Q66429508)

  2. TARGET:{ID}
  3. FEED:
  4. MESSAGE: jewish encyclopedia 1906
  6. DESCRIPTION: The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia (PND Zuordnung: 3166)
  7. TIMESTAMP: 2011-12-01
  8. REVISIT: 2012-12-01

no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 03:29, 14 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Gesamtheit der Information im Universum

Gruß 2001:A61:3A8F:A301:21D:60FF:FE54:ADD6 15:00, 27 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Alkanot4ran (talk) 15:44, 27 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hilfe unter: b:en:SPARQL, b:en:SPARQL/Aggregate_functions und b:en:SPARQL/SERVICE - Label. Danke!
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 00:28, 28 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Amiina & Sigur Rós

The girls in Amiina, such as Sólrún, collabarated with Sigur Rós. They are not an part of the band. You wouldn't put Ryan Tedder under Beyoncé just because he has written several songs for her, for example the song Halo.--Snaevar (talk) 22:13, 4 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks Snaevar for the feedback. I collected the information from the Youtube video desxrptions. I should have read the article(s). Please remouve any false information. I am happy to have an Icelander helping here.

I met Páll during summer 2000. Can you write the words Páll tells / recites at [1]? Is this a poem? His poem?
Some time / years ago I was reading an article about a light performance at the Viðgelmir(i) cave. I was desperately trying to find some sources, an article, some picturres or a video abut that event? Maybe you can call Páll and ask him directly for details.
I asked a German friend writing articles about xylophone type music instruments to start an article about the stone harp (Q66124118). Can you please ask at iswiki the similar thing? See de:user:Uwe_Lück#Steinharfe.
Who performs Hera - Stúlkan sem starir á hafið? I got it Hera Hjartardóttir (Q2635734). This puzzzeled me because I could not find her.
Best regards
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 22:40, 4 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hacking user:קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן/authority control.js. Regards
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 12:17, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für die Hilfe! Zuerst etwas Feedback:
Gibt es für die gewählte Sprache noch kein Label, wird eine fehlerhafte VIAF-Abfrage generiert, Ein Dialog sollte das verhindern.
Erhält man für das Label noch keinen Eintrag Treffer mithilfe der VIAF-Abfrage, kann man nicht erkennen, wonach man gesucht hatte. Den Suchstring zu erkennen ist immer sehr wichtig um festzudtellen, was eventuell "schief"-gegangen ist. test link: Nicole Pesce (d:Q66311521)
Hier noch einige weitere test links:
HS Kaiserslautern (d:Q1391198) hat wertvolle GND und VIAF Nummern, die man wiederverwenden könnte. Eine Suche nach google:Geschwister-Scholl-Schule (Kaiserslautern) wäre eine Variante dafür, einige Treffer zu finden.
Ich kann die "roten links" leider nicht mit der rechten Maustaste in einem neuen Tab öffnen. Nur das Öffnen im selben tab ist z.Z. möglich. Gibt es da eine Abhilfe? Der erwünschte Trick bestand ja darin, über einen VIAF-Eintrag mit vorhandenem WKP identity eine Vielzahl weiterer VIAF-Einträge zu finden und zu öffnen ohne zuviel "Drumherum".
Nach dem Übernehmen der vorhandenen Authority control Informationen die sich durch die Kontrolle des WKP wertes überprüft und die durch die grüne Farbe dem Anwender signalisiert werden, die mit einem VIAF-Eintrag verknüpft sind, d.h. nach dem Klicken auf ++ sollte als nächstes der Wikidata Seiten cach aktualisiert werden, Ein link auf die Seite mit dem Zusatk "?action=purge" wäre die erwünschte Fortsetzung mit der sinnvollsten Aktion.
wird fortgesetzt
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 05:41, 9 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
zur Info Wikipedia:WikiCon 2019 vom 4. bis zum 6. Oktober in WuppertalTeilnehmer
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 15:48, 9 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]


PAGEID: 65288749 · links here ·LTR

  1. Nikolay Komarovc:user:Nikolay Komarovw:ru:user:Nikolay Komarov — Moskau
    1. c:Category:Friedhof Gräfelfing
    2. betawiki:user:Nike ← att: Pablo Grass
    3. librarything: gangleri
    4. File:20041229 First MediaWiki Developer Conference Poster with-signatures 21C3 Berlin.jpg
    5. gangleri user talk contribs · לערי ריינהארט user talk contribs · i18n user talk contribs

no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs contribs@Wikidata 00:40, 24 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Wrong NLR IDs (Romania)

Currently, there are 69 pages in en:Category:Wikipedia articles with faulty NLR identifiers, whose National Library of Romania ID (P1003) are mostly, if not all, of the form RUNLRAUTH7712430, added mostly, if not all, by you. This is an invalid ID. Please fix or remove them. —Tom.Reding (talk) 14:00, 20 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks Tom.Reding for the notification. I am using a modified version of the user:Magnus Manske/authority control.js script namely user:קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן/authority control.js. Do you know what is wrong there? I notice now a late change. It has nothing to do with NLR ID (Romania) (National Library of Romania ID (P1003)). Is somebody working on it? What other suggestions do you have? Best regards
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 14:41, 20 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know where you got your IDs from, and I don't know what that .js does. Does it get IDs for you? Do you supply it with IDs? Did you try to validate the IDs in some way before adding them to the js/Wikidata? Does removing the RUNLRAUTH part fix the ID? Was the ID mistaken for National Library of Russia ID (P7029)? —Tom.Reding (talk) 15:27, 20 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]




thanks to all contributing heare creating, optimizing the queries, cleaning improving on LT or are involved on varous databases and/or on many WMF projects
the queries are devoled step by step

the result of the queries should be cmpact;

no space should be used on obvious information ( bla); i mean only link labels shoud be displayed; URL encoded notations should be displayed wirh proper UTF8 characters
obcious links can be labeled as LT, image, de (for dewiki) ido (for idowiki), IMDb, MusicBrainz etc.

p:7400 Zähler

65288749#P7400counter links here

LibraryThing author ID talk

SELECT (count(?item) as ?itemcount) WHERE {
    ?item p:P7400 ?statement0.
Try it!


#title: Personen im dänischen Wikipedia mit einer LibraryThingID
SELECT ?item ?article ?page_title ?instanzLabel WHERE {
    ?item p:P7400 ?statement0.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?article schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?page_title.
    FILTER(BOUND(?article) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
order by ?page_title
Personen im dänischen Wikipedia mit einer LibraryThingID

no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs 18:35, 30 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

p:P496 Zähler

65288749#P496 links here

ORCID iD (P496) talk

SELECT (count(?item) as ?itemcount) WHERE {
    ?item p:P496 ?statement0.
Try it!

16:43, 9 July 2022 (UTC) no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs

Personen im dänischen Wikipedia mit einem LibraryThingID

SELECT ?item ?title ?dawiki ?dewiki  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache;separator=", ") as ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?dawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
      ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache.
    FILTER(BOUND(?dawiki) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache .

group by ?item ?title ?dawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid 
order by ?title
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTda · links here 

Personen im dänischen Wikipedia mit einem LibraryThingID mit Bildern

Ist das neue Skript mit Bildern so korrekt? Die LTDa-URIs sind bereits korrekt, oder? Getestet mit firefox 102, Linux 5.18.10, distro archlinux)

SELECT ?item ?title ?dawiki (CONCAT("DA-Wiki: ", ?title) as ?dawikiLabel) ?dewiki (CONCAT("DE-Wiki: ", ?title) as ?dewikiLabel) ?image (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache;separator=", ") as ?sprachen) (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid2)) AS ?LTAid) (?LTAid2 as ?LTAidLabel) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid2.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?dawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
      ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image }
    FILTER(BOUND(?dawiki) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache .
group by ?item ?title ?dawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid2 ?image
order by ?title
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTdaBilder · links here 

mit utf8 char check:

SELECT ?item ?title (CONTAINS(ENCODE_FOR_URI(?title), "%") as ?specialchar) ?dawiki ?dewiki ?image (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache;separator=", ") as ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?dawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
      ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image }
    FILTER(BOUND(?dawiki) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache .
group by ?item ?title ?dawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid ?image
order by ?title
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTdaBilder · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Arabisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?arwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?arwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?arwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?arwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTar · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Ägyptisch-Arabisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?arzwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?arzwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?arzwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?arzwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTarz · Q29919

PAGEID: 65288749#LTarz · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Assamäsisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?aswiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?aswiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?aswiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?aswiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTas · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Bayrisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?barwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?barwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?barwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?barwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTbar · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Bihari mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?bhwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?bhwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?bhwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?bhwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTbh · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Bengali mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?bnwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?bnwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?bnwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?bnwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTbn · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Katalanisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?cawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?cawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?cawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?cawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTca · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Cebuano mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?cebwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?cebwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?cebwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?cebwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTceb · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Tschechisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?cswiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?cswiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?cswiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?cswiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTcs · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Englisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?enwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?enwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?enwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?enwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTen · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Spanish mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?eswiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?eowiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?eswiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?eswiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTes · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Esperanto mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?eswiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?eowiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?eowiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?eowiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTeo · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Baskisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?euwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?euwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?euwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?euwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTeu · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Farsi mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?fawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?fawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?fawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?fawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTfa · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Finnisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?fiwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?fiwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?fiwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?fiwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTfi · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Französisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?frwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?frwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?frwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?frwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTfr · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Irisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?gawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?gawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?gawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?gawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTga · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Gujarati mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?guwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?guwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?guwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?guwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTgu · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Hebräisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?hewiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?hewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?hewiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?hewiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LThe · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Hebräisch mit einem LibraryThingID mit Bildern

Ist das neue Skript mit Bildern so korrekt? Die LTDa-URIs sind bereits korrekt, oder? Getestet mit firefox, Linux

bitte verwendete versionen spezifizieren; danke!

SELECT ?item ?title ?hewiki ?dewiki ?image (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache;separator=", ") as ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?hewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
      ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image }
    FILTER(BOUND(?hewiki) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache .
group by ?item ?title ?hewiki ?dewiki ?LTAid ?image
order by ?title
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTheBilder · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Hindi mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?hiwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?hiwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?hiwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?hiwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LThi · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Ido mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?iowiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?iowiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?iowiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?iowiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTio · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Isländisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?iswiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?iswiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?iswiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?iswiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTis · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Japanisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?jawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?jawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?jawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?jawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTja · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Kanaresisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?knwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?knwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?knwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?knwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTkn · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Latein mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?lawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?lawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?lawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?lawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTla · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Ladino mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?ladwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?ladwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?ladwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?ladwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTlad · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Maori mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?miwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?miwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?miwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?miwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTmi · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Mazedonisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?mkwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?mkwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?mkwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?mkwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTmk · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Malayalam mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?mlwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?mlwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?mlwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?mlwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTml · Q36236

PAGEID: 65288749#LTml · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Marati mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?mrwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?mrwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?mrwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?mrwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTmr · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Niederländisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?nlwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?nlwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?nlwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?nlwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTnl · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Pitkern mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?pitwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?pitwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?pitwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?pitwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTpit · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Polnisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?plwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?plwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?plwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?plwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTpl · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Portugisisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?ptwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?ptwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?ptwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?ptwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTpt · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Ketschua mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?quwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?quwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?quwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?quwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTqu · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Romani mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?rmywiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?rmywiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?rmywiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?rmywiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTrmy · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Rumänisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?rowiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?rowiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?rowiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?rowiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTro · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Russisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?ruwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?ruwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?ruwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?ruwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTru · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Sanskrit mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?sawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?sawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?sawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?sawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsa · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Nordsamisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?sewiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?sewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?sewiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?sewiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTse · Q33947

PAGEID: 65288749#LTse · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Schwedisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?svwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?svwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?svwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?svwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTsv · Q9027

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsv · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Inarisamisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?smnwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?smnwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?smnwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?smnwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTsmn · Q33462

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsmn · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Albanisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?sqwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?sqwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?sqwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?sqwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsq · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Serbisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?srwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?srwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?srwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?srwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsr · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Suaheli mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?swwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?swwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?swwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?swwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTsw · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Ukrainisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?ukwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?ukwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?ukwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?ukwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTuk · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Tamil mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?tawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?tawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?tawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?tawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTta · Q5885

PAGEID: 65288749#LTta · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Teluga mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?tewiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?tewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?tewiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?tewiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!
#LTte · Q8097

PAGEID: 65288749#LTte · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Türkisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?trwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?trwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?trwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wiki⁶base:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?trwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTtr · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Urdu mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?urwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?urwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?urwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?urwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTur · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Vietnamesisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?viwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?viwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?viwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?viwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTvi · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Wolapük mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?vowiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?vowiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?vowiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?vowiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTvo · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Walonisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?wawiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?wawiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?wawiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?wawiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTwa · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Waray-Waray mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?warwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?warwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?warwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?warwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTwar · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Jiddisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?yiwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?yiwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?yiwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?yiwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTyi · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Jiddisch mit einem LibraryThingID mit Bildern

Ist das neue Skript mit Bildern so korrekt? Die LTDa-URIs sind bereits korrekt, oder? Getestet mit firefox, Linux

bitte verwendete versionen spezifizieren; danke!

SELECT ?item ?title ?yiwiki ?dewiki ?image (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache;separator=", ") as ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid.
    ?item wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?yiwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
      ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image }
    FILTER(BOUND(?yiwiki) && ?instanz = wd:Q5)
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache .
group by ?item ?title ?yiwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid ?image
order by ?title
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTyiBilder · links here 

Personen in der Wikipedia in Chinesisch mit einem LibraryThingID Eintrag

SELECT ?item ?title ?zhwiki ?dewiki (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?gsprache; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?sprachen) ?LTAid (URI(CONCAT("", ?LTAid)) AS ?LTAurl) WHERE {
    ?item wdt:P7400 ?LTAid;
      wdt:P31 ?instanz.
      ?zhwiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?title.
      ?dewiki schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>;
        schema:name ?de_title.
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1412 ?sprache. }
    FILTER((BOUND(?zhwiki)) && (?instanz = wd:Q5))
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?sprache rdfs:label ?gsprache.
GROUP BY ?item ?title ?zhwiki ?dewiki ?LTAid
ORDER BY (?title)
Try It!

PAGEID: 65288749#LTzh · links here 

faultfinding report

fails at WikiMUC with Linux ??? and Firefox 78.13.0esr (64-bit)
20:13, 6 July 2022 (UTC) no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs

special focus

#LTbh · Q135305
#LTbn · Q9610
#LTgu · Q5137
#LThi · Q1568
#LTkn · Q33673
#LTml · Q36236
#LTmr · Q1571
#LTne · Q33823
#LTor · Q7102899
#LTpa · Q58635
#LTsa · Q11059
#LTta · Q5885
#LTte · Q8097
#LTks · Q33552
scripts from India
LTR: w:bh:, w:bn:, w:gu:, w:hi:, w:kn:, w:ml:, w:mr:, w:ne:, w:or:, w:pa:, w:sa:, w:ta:, w:te:‎
RTL: w:ks:
RTL Script

23:04, 11 July 2022 (UTC) no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיקע פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndike preferentsn talk contribs