ChemicalCompoundsWithMass (E340)

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enChemicalCompoundsWithMassChemical compound validating the massedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX psv: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prov: <>

# Example SPARQL query: select * where { ?x wdt:P31 wd:Q11173 } limit 5
# Example SPARQL query: select * where { ?x wdt:P279 / wdt:P31 wd:Q11173 } limit 5

start = @<#wikidata-chemical-compound>

<#wikidata-chemical-compound> @<CCType> AND {
 wdt:P117  @<ChemicalStructure> * ;
 wdt:P18   . ? ;                    # Picture
 wdt:P8224 @<MolecularModel> ? ;
 wdt:P2067 xsd:decimal +;
 p:P2067 { 
   psv:P2067           @<MassDaltonGramPerMole>      ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<MassReference> ?
 } + 

<CCType> { 
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q11173] ;
  wdt:P31 . *
} OR {
 wdt:P279 @<CCType> + ;
 wdt:P279 . *

<MassDaltonGramPerMole> {
 wikibase:quantityAmount xsd:decimal  ; # MaxInclusive 1000000 ;
 wikibase:quantityUnit   [ wd:Q483261 wd:Q28924752 ]

<MassGramPerMole> {

<ChemicalStructure> {}
<MolecularModel> { }

<MassReference> (@<PubChemRef> OR @<ChemBlRef>) AND {
 pr:P813 xsd:dateTime 

<PubChemRef> {
 pr:P248 [ wd:Q278487 ] ;
 pr:P662 /^[0-9]+$/

<ChemBlRef> {
 pr:P248 [ wd:Q6120337 ]