Wikidata:Status updates/Feedback 300th edition

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The weekly newsletter written by and for the community reached its 300th edition on February 19th, 2018. At this occasion, we would like to know more about the habits of the readers, the things you would like to improve in its content or its format.

On this feedback page, you can answer several questions, and discuss the proposals of other editors. You don't have to answer all the questions. Thanks in advance for your feedback! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 14:54, 13 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Your habits of reading


You can tell us how you usually read the Weekly Summary. How do you usually access it (discussion page, mailing-list, social networks, etc.)? How often? Do you read it entirely or only some parts?

The content of the Weekly Summary


Which of the overall content of the newsletter do you find useful for your work on Wikidata? Is there anything which is less useful for you?

  • I'm always most curious about the links posted to interesting articles, blog posts... because that usually points to interesting and inspiring reading materials. I'm quite interested in Wikidata's (creative) re-use and impact, and that's where I often discover good examples of that. Spinster 💬 08:15, 20 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • I like the sections "Development", "Events/Blog/Press" and "Other noteworthy stuff" most. I ignore the sections "Newest properties" and "Monthly Tasks". -- MichaelSchoenitzer (talk) 22:07, 2 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]



Below you can give feedback on the specific parts of the newsletter. For each section you can reflect on this questions: Do you find this section useful, and why? What would you like to improve?



Usually includes: open and closed request for adminship, new and closed request for comments.



Usually includes: upcoming events, blog posts, press articles, scientific papers related to Wikidata.

Other noteworthy stuff


Usually includes: all kind of announcements the community wants to make around Wikidata, new features, feedback loops...

Did you know?


Usually includes: newest properties, query examples, newest WikiProjects, newest gadgets, newest database reports, showcase items.



Usually includes: an overview of the tasks the development team and the volunteers have been working on during the previous week.

Monthly tasks


Usually includes: examples of tasks to do to help the community work on Wikidata.

Your ideas of improvement


Existing sections


Are there some sections or topics you’d like to contribute to? Are there some sections that you’d like to improve, and how?

  • Press/Blogs: I miss Wikipedia Signpost's "In the news" section, describing how Wikipedia has been portrayed or mentioned in the news this week. I guess Wikidata is not famous (or controversial?) enough yet haha. Also, I am definitely interested in learning about recent thesis and projects that mention or use Wikidata. Syced (talk) 09:46, 20 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
    • @Syced: Thanks for your feedback. We try to do it as accurately as possible, the help of volunteers is really appreciated here, sometimes I miss important articles or scientific papers because I can't watch all the specific communication channels. Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 11:46, 12 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

New topics


Are there new sections you'd like to create, or new topics you'd like to talk about in the newsletter?

  • I would like to see additional highlights of collaborations, projects, or other activities beyond the typical listing of "monthly tasks". One of my favorite components of the Signpost is the WikiProject interviews: maybe not highlighting WikiProjects, but different collaborative projects that folks are working on would help a lot with a sense of knowing where community exists around Wikidata: this could be even a once a month feature, instead of every week. Sadads (talk) 14:02, 22 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
    • @Sadads: Interesting! Usually when there are interviews or blog posts about a project, we put it in the blog/articles sections. If some volunteers want to start doing some interview or writing content to highlight the community work, I'd be very happy to share it in the Weekly Summary. Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 11:46, 12 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • ...

Talk pages


Do you use the newsletter's talk pages?



In general, are there improvements you’d like to support?



If you don't read the Weekly Summary, or used to read it but stopped, can you explain why? This is important for us to understand how to improve the newsletter.



Anything you want to add and can't find a place in the previous parts.