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  1. 乳房のこと。
  2. 梵鐘の突起状装飾のこと。
  3. 乳汁のこと。


乳汁(にゅうじゅう、ちちしる)とは、(ちち、にゅう)、ミルク(英: milk)とも言われる、動物のうち哺乳類幼児に栄養を与えて育てるために母体が作りだす分泌液である。特に母乳 (ぼにゅう)と呼ぶ場合は、ヒト女性が出す乳汁を指すのが、慣例である。また、出産の直後に母体から出る乳汁は初乳と呼ばれ、区別される。



出産直後に母体から出る乳汁は初乳と呼ばれ、幼児の免疫にとって重要なラクトフェリンやIgA(免疫グロブリン)などの成分が多く含まれている。その後の乳汁には幼児がある程度成長するまで必要とされる栄養分を含んでいるので、哺乳類の幼児はある期間、この乳汁だけを食料として成長を続けられる。やはり乳汁の成分も種によって違う。例えば、乳糖の割合は、カンガルーで7.6%、ヒトで7.2%、ウシネコで4.8%、イヌで3.1%、クジラで1.3%、ウサギで0.9%などバラツキが見られる [1]

本来、乳汁は、哺乳類の母親が自分の子供に与えるものである。稀に、自分の子供以外の子供に乳汁を与えた例も観察されているが、それでも乳汁を与える対象は、哺乳期間にある子供のみであるのが本来の姿である。よって、ある程度成長すると、一般的な哺乳類は乳汁を摂取しなくなるし、仮に摂取しても哺乳期間は消化できていた乳糖が消化できずに、結果として下痢などを引き起こし体調を崩す原因になる。これが遅発性の乳糖不耐であり、これは哺乳類全般に見られる不耐である。特異な例としてはヒトが挙げられ、哺乳期間終了どころか成体になってからも乳汁を摂取し、それを十分に消化してしまえる個体が多数存在する。そのような個体は、成体であるにもかかわらず乳汁を飲んでも下痢などの症状が起こらない。しかしながら、ヒトにとっても哺乳期間終了後に乳汁を摂取し続けるという食習慣は、比較的新しい習慣であるため、乳汁を長期に渡って摂取していないと、腸内の乳糖を分解する酵素の活性が落ちて、十分な消化ができなくなる。これは別にいわゆる成年に達していなくとも哺乳期間が終わった者には、たとえ健康であっても起こり得る現象であって、病気ではない。一般的な哺乳類と同様に、遅発性の乳糖不耐が起こったに過ぎないのである。それでも、日常生活で摂取するような分量(常識的な分量)の乳汁を摂取しただけで、下痢などを起こしてしまうほど程度が酷い場合は乳糖不耐症と呼ぶ。ヒトは、何種類かの動物を家畜として飼育するようになり、そして家畜化された哺乳類が出す乳汁を食糧として使うようになったため、この乳糖不耐症が問題となるのである。家畜化した哺乳類の乳汁を使うことには、幾つか利点があった。まずは、乳汁が栄養豊富だったこと、そして、乳汁を取ったところでその家畜は死なないこと、さらに、その日に必要な分だけを取ることが出来る(その都度生成される)ので、保存の役目も果たすことなどが挙げられる。その上乳汁は、ただ飲料として用いる以外にも様々に加工することができた。乳汁は加工することで、生クリームバターヨーグルトチーズなどを作ることもできたし、変わり種としては、酒 [2] を作る例も見られる。また、料理の材料の一部として使う例については枚挙に暇がない程である。しかしながら、特に農耕を営んできた民族にとっては、別に家畜の乳汁を食料として使わずとも良かったので、ヒトの全てが同じように乳汁を利用してきたわけではないことを付言しておく。




例えば、ごく稀にではあるものの、ヒトでは先天的にラクターゼが合成できない個体も確認されており、この場合は哺乳期間であるはずの新生児の段階ですら乳糖不耐症が発生する。これは先天性の乳糖不耐と呼ばれる。こちらは明らかな異常であり、唯一の食料である乳汁を十分に消化できないので、本来であれば生存は難しくなる [3] 。 またヒトでは、これら乳糖に対する不耐とは全く別に、遺伝子の異常や、門脈の奇形が原因で、乳糖が分解されて出てくるガラクトースを上手く代謝できない個体も確認されている。この場合、何も手を打たないと(一般的な乳汁に限らず、乳糖を含む食品の摂取を避けない限り)、ガラクトース血症を発症して多くは死亡する [4] 。 さらにヒトでは、乳汁に含まれる成分に対してアレルギー反応を示す個体が散見され、これは食物アレルギーの中でも比較的よく見られるものとして知られる。乳汁に対してアレルギーを起こす個体が乳汁を摂取すると、最悪の場合、アナフィラキシーショックを起こして死亡する [5]



様々な家畜の乳汁が、あちらこちらの地域で、飲料としてだけではなく、食材として様々な料理に用いられている。しかしながら、本来は子供の哺乳期間が終わってしまえば母体から乳汁は出なくなるので、家畜から乳汁を連続して得るために、いくつかの方法が考えられてきた。これはウシの例だが、牝牛が子供に乳汁を与えなくなった後も、乳汁を絞りなおかつ仔牛の張子を牝牛の前に置いておくなどの方法が取られている。 食材としてヒトが用いている家畜の乳汁の種類としては、次のようなものが知られる。






  1. ^ 八木 直樹 『食品の科学と新技術』 p.103 日本出版制作センター 1992年2月15日発行
  2. ^ 馬乳酒のような醸造酒だけではなく、ミルキーウォッカ(100%牛乳で作ったウォッカ)のような蒸留酒も造られている。
  3. ^ より詳しくは、「乳糖不耐症」の記事を参照のこと。
  4. ^ より詳しくは、「ガラクトース血症」の記事を参照のこと。
  5. ^ より詳しくは、「食物アレルギー」の記事を参照のこと。
  6. ^ ビタミンC母乳も参照のこと。

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en:Milk 2012-05-12 23:39UTC



人間の母乳breast milkをサンプルとした、初乳(左)と後期乳(右)の比較。

またはミルク: Milk)は、哺乳動物乳腺でつくられる白色液体であり、誕生後の哺乳類が他の食物を摂取できるようになるまでの間、栄養を獲得できる最初の源となる。最初に授乳される乳(初乳)には、母体から赤ん坊へ与えられる抗体が含まれ、以後のさまざまな病気にかかる危険性を低める効果がある。

ウシが提供する乳は、多くの栄養素を含む重要な食品である。生乳が含んでいる栄養成分は種によって差異があるが、主に飽和脂肪酸タンパク質カルシウムそしてビタミンCを含む。ウシの乳は水素イオン指数 (pH) 6.4 - 6.8 を示す弱酸性である[1][2]







人がヤギの生乳を乳児に与える事があるが、ここには危険が潜んでいる事が知られている。水電解質平衡異常、代謝性アシドーシスmetabolic acidosis、巨赤芽球性貧血megaloblastic anemiaや数々のアレルギー反応などである[5]






ミルク(l) チーズ(kg) バター(kg)
  フィンランド 183.9 19.1 5.3
  スウェーデン 145.5 18.5 1.0
  アイルランド 129.8 10.5 2.9
  オランダ 122.9 20.4 3.3
  ノルウェー 116.7 16.0 4.3
  スペイン 119.1 9.6 1.0
  スイス 112.5 22.2 5.6
  イギリス 111.2 12.2 3.7
  オーストラリア 106.3 11.7 3.7
  カナダ 94.7 12.2 3.3





「乳」または「ミルク」は、色や食感が似ている動物由来ではない飲料を表す際にも使われる。豆乳 (soy milk) 、 (rice milk) 、アーモンドミルクココナッツミルクがこれに該当する。また、哺乳類以外でもハト目の親が若鳥に与えるため分泌する液体も素嚢乳 (crop milk) と呼ばれ、哺乳類のミルクとの共通性も見られる[12]。【いらない】 Dairy relates to milk and milk production, eg. dairy products.【ここまで】









1884年、ニューヨーク在住のアメリカ人医師ヘンリー・サッチャーが、撥水紙のフタを持つ初のガラス牛乳瓶「Thatcher's Common Sense Milk Jar」を発明した[33]。後の1932年に、ビクター・W・ファリスの発明によるプラスチックコーティングされたパックが採用され普及した[33]










マサチューセッツ工科大学 (MIT)とハーバード大学が作成したツリーマップによると、ミルクの輸出入最大国は以下の通りである[38]

Milk Exports by Nation. From MIT/Harvard Atlas of Economic Complexity
Milk Imports by Nation. From MIT/Harvard Atlas of Economic Complexity







Top ten buffalo milk producers in 2007[42]
生産量(トン) 付記
  インド 59,210,000 非公式なデータを含む
  パキスタン 20,372,000 公式発表
  中華人民共和国 2,900,000 FAO調べ
  エジプト 2,300,000
  ネパール 958,603 公式発表
  イラン 241,500 FAO調べ
  ビルマ 220,462 公式発表
  イタリア 200,000 FAO調べ
  ベトナム 32,000
  トルコ 30,375 公式発表
 World 86,574,539 Aggregate

Template:Agriculture country lists



アメリカでは、ミルクは2種類の等級に分けられている。グレードAは直接販売されたり店頭に置かれたりするもので、グレードBはチーズなど乳製品の原料に使われるものである。この2つの違いは、農業・貿易・そして消費者保護に関するウイスコンシン令第60条に基づいて区分される[43]。Grade B generally refers to milk that is cooled in milk cans, which are immersed in a bath of cold flowing water that typically is drawn up from an underground water well rather than using mechanical refrigeration.

  • Grade A farms are inspected every six months, while Grade B farms are inspected every two years {WI-ATCP 60.24.2}
  • Both types of farms are required to have two cleaning vats in the milk house for washing and rinsing of equipment {WI-ATCP 60.07.2(g)}. A farm also must have an additional separate sink and faucet provided for hand washing {WI-ATCP 60.07.2(h)}, unless the bulk tank was installed before Jan 1, 1979, or the farm uses milk cans.
  • Grade A milk stored in a bulk tank is cooled to 45 °F (7 °C) within two hours of milking. Grade A milk in a tank may only rise to 50°F if milk from additional milking sessions is added to the tank (potentially requiring a plate cooler to reduce the temperature of a large volume influx quickly enough) and must be cooled back to 45°F within two hours. {WI-ATCP 60.2.4(b)}
  • Grade B milk in milk cans is cooled to 50 °F (10 °C) within two hours of milking. Grade B farms cannot mix milk into cans from previous milking. {WI-ATCP 60.2.4(c)}
  • The somatic cell count (SCC) of Grade A or B cow or sheep milk may not exceed 750,000 cells per mL, and the SCC of Grade A or B goat milk may not exceed 1,000,000 cells per mL. {WI-ATCP 60.15.4}
  • The bacterial plate or loop count of Grade A milk may not exceed 100,000 per mL, while Grade B milk may not exceed 300,000 per mL. {WI-ATCP 60.15.2}
  • A bacterial plate count test is required at least once a month. {WI-ATCP 60.18.3} If the bacterial count exceeds 100,000 per mL for Grade A or 300,000 per mL for grade B in 3 out of 5 tests, the license to sell milk is suspended. The license will be revoked immediately if the bacterial count ever exceeds 750,000 per mL. {WI-ATCP 60.18.6}











カゼインミセルは、液状のミルク中に存在する最大の構造物であり、表層に界面活性剤ミセルと近かよったナノメートル大のリン酸カルシウム微細粒子を持つ、数千というタンパク質分子の集まりである。それぞれのカゼインミセルは、直径10μmのほぼ球体である。カゼイン状タンパク質は αs1-, αs2-, β-, κ- の4タイプに分類できる。これらが、ミルク中に含まれるタンパク質のうち、重量比で76-86%[45]を占める。カゼイン状タンパク質のほとんどはミセルの中に捕らわれている。ミセルの精密な構造に関して複数の理論が提唱されているが、最も外側の層はk-カゼイン英語版のみで構成され、周囲の流体に突き出ているという考えは共通している。このk-カゼイン分子は負の電荷を帯びているためにミセル同士は電気的に反発し合い、通常ならばそれぞれが離れた状態を維持し、水を主成分とする液体の中でコロイド懸濁液となる[7][47]







一つの理論は、ド・クライフとホルトが提唱した、リン酸カルシウムとβ-カゼイン由来のリン酸化ペプチド (β-CPP) がミセル構造をつくる主要物質という考えである。この考えでは、不均一なタンパク質はリン酸カルシウムの周囲に集まり形をつくるが、特異的な構造を持たない状態になる。

二つ目の理論はホーンによって提唱されたもので、リン酸カルシウムのナノクラスターはミセル構造の形成を促すが、一方でリン酸化ペプチドがつくる輪がカゼインを拘束するために、大きさに制限がかかる。一たび纏められると、タンパク質同士は相互作用が働いて重合を起こし、K-カゼインがエンドキャップの役割を果たす。そして、リン酸カルシウムのナノクラスターに捕まったタンパク質がミセルを形成する。 【△ここまで】 

複数の測定にて、タンパク質を捉えるリン酸カルシウムはCa9(PO4)6の構造を持っている事が示された。しかし一方で、この物質は鉱物のブルシャイト CaHPO4 -2H2O 的な構造を持つという主張もある[48]






脂肪球とそれよりも小さなカゼインミセルは、いずれも光を乱反射させる充分な大きさがあり、このためにミルクは白く見える。中には脂肪球が黄色 - オレンジ色のカロテンを含む場合があり、このため例えばガンジー種やジャージー種などのミルクをグラスに注ぐと、黄金色またはクリームのような色調が見られる。乳清部分のリボフラビンはやや緑がかっており、脱脂粉乳やホエーで確認できる場合もある[7]。また、脱脂粉乳は粒子が小さなカゼインミセルのみが光を散乱させるため、赤色よりも青色の波長をより散乱さえる傾向があり、薄青い色に見える[47]



Milk products and productions relationships (Click for details)

In most Western countries, centralized dairy facilities process milk and products obtained from milk (dairy products), such as cream, butter, and cheese. In the US, these dairies usually are local companies, while in the Southern Hemisphere facilities may be run by very large nationwide or trans-national corporations (such as Fonterra).


Pasteurization is used to kill harmful microorganisms by heating the milk for a short time and then cooling it for storage and transportation. Pasteurization involves a loss of 10 per cent of thiamin and vitamin B12 content, as well as a 20 per cent loss of vitamin C content. Because losses are small in comparison to the large amount of the two B-vitamins present, milk continues to provide significant amounts of thiamin and vitamin B12. As milk is not an important dietary source of vitamin C, this loss is not nutritionally significant. Pasteurized milk still is perishable, however, and must be stored cold by both suppliers and consumers. Dairies print expiration dates on each container, after which stores will remove any unsold milk from their shelves.

A newer process, ultrapasteurization or ultra-high temperature treatment (UHT), heats the milk to a higher temperature for a shorter amount of time. This extends its shelf life and allows the milk to be stored unrefrigerated because of the longer lasting sterilization effect.


Microfiltration is a process that partially replaces pasteurization and produces milk with fewer microorganisms and longer shelf life without a change in the taste of the milk. In this process, cream is separated from the whey and is pasteurized in the usual way, but the whey is forced through ceramic microfilters that trap 99.9% of microorganisms in the milk (as compared to 95% killing of microorganisms in conventional pasteurization). The whey then is recombined with the pasteurized cream to reconstitute the original milk composition.

Creaming and homogenization

A milking machine in action

Upon standing for 12 to 24 hours, fresh milk has a tendency to separate into a high-fat cream layer on top of a larger, low-fat milk layer. The cream often is sold as a separate product with its own uses. Today the separation of the cream from the milk usually is accomplished rapidly in centrifugal cream separators. The fat globules rise to the top of a container of milk because fat is less dense than water. The smaller the globules, the more other molecular-level forces prevent this from happening. In fact, the cream rises in cow's milk much more quickly than a simple model would predict: rather than isolated globules, the fat in the milk tends to form into clusters containing about a million globules, held together by a number of minor whey proteins.[7] These clusters rise faster than individual globules can. The fat globules in milk from goats, sheep, and water buffalo do not form clusters as readily and are smaller to begin with, resulting in a slower separation of cream from these milks.

Milk often is homogenized, a treatment that prevents a cream layer from separating out of the milk. The milk is pumped at high pressures through very narrow tubes, breaking up the fat globules through turbulence and cavitation.[49] A greater number of smaller particles possess more total surface area than a smaller number of larger ones, and the original fat globule membranes cannot completely cover them. Casein micelles are attracted to the newly exposed fat surfaces. Nearly one-third of the micelles in the milk end up participating in this new membrane structure. The casein weighs down the globules and interferes with the clustering that accelerated separation. The exposed fat globules are vulnerable to certain enzymes present in milk, which could break down the fats and produce rancid flavors. To prevent this, the enzymes are inactivated by pasteurizing the milk immediately before or during homogenization.

Homogenized milk tastes blander but feels creamier in the mouth than unhomogenized. It is whiter and more resistant to developing off flavors.[7] Creamline (or cream-top) milk is unhomogenized. It may or may not have been pasteurized. Milk that has undergone high-pressure homogenization, sometimes labeled as "ultra-homogenized," has a longer shelf life than milk that has undergone ordinary homogenization at lower pressures.[50] Homogenized milk may be more digestible than unhomogenized milk.[51]

Kurt A. Oster, M.D., who worked during the 1960s through the 1980s, suggested a link between homogenized milk and arterosclerosis, due to damage to plasmalogen resulting from the release of bovine xanthine oxidase (BXO) from the milk fat globular membrane (MFGM) during homogenization. Oster's hypothesis has been widely criticized, however, and has not been generally accepted by the scientific community. No link has been found between arterosclerosis and milk consumption.[51] 【ここまで△】




  • 人間の乳の平均的組成は、タンパク質1.1%、脂肪分4.2%、乳糖7.0%。100グラム当り72kカロリー。
  • 牛乳の平均的組成は、タンパク質3.4%、脂肪分3.6%、乳糖4.6%、ミネラル0.7%[52]。100グラム当り66kカロリー。
  • ロバやウマの乳は含有脂肪分が低く、逆に鰭脚類クジラの乳は高脂肪で含有率は50%を越える[53][54]
成分 単位 ウシ ヤギ ヒツジ 水牛
水分 g 87.8 88.9 83.0 81.1
タンパク質 g 3.2 3.1 5.4 4.5
脂肪 g 3.9 3.5 6.0 8.0
炭水化物 g 4.8 4.4 5.1 4.9
カロリー kcal 66 60 95 110
エネルギー kJ 275 253 396 463
糖質(乳糖) g 4.8 4.4 5.1 4.9
コレステロール mg 14 10 11 8
カルシウム mg 120 100 170 195
飽和脂肪酸 g 2.4 2.3 3.8 4.2
モノ不飽和脂肪酸 g 1.1 0.8 1.5 1.7
ポリ不飽和脂肪酸 g 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2


乳牛の種 %(近似値)
ジャージー種 5.2
コブウシ 4.7
ブラウン・スイス種 4.0
ホルスタイン種 3.6




Nutritional value

Cow's milk (whole), fortified
100 gあたりの栄養価
エネルギー 252 kJ (60 kcal)
5.26 g
糖類 5.26 g
5.26 g
3.25 g
飽和脂肪酸 1.865 g
一価不飽和 0.812 g
多価不飽和 0.195 g
3.22 g
トリプトファン 0.075 g
トレオニン 0.143 g
イソロイシン 0.165 g
ロイシン 0.265 g
リシン 0.140 g
メチオニン 0.075 g
シスチン 0.017 g
フェニルアラニン 0.147 g
チロシン 0.152 g
バリン 0.192 g
アルギニン 0.075 g
ヒスチジン 0.075 g
アラニン 0.103 g
アスパラギン酸 0.237 g
グルタミン酸 0.648 g
グリシン 0.075 g
プロリン 0.342 g
セリン 0.107 g
28 µg
チアミン (B1)
0.044 mg
リボフラビン (B2)
0.183 mg
0.44 µg
40 IU
43 mg
143 mg
113 mg
10 mg
水分 88.32 g

100 mL corresponds to 103 g.[58]
成人栄養摂取目標 (RDIの割合。
出典: USDA栄養データベース(英語)

Processed cow's milk was formulated to contain differing amounts of fat during the 1950s. One cup (250 ml) of 2%-fat cow's milk contains 285 mg of calcium, which represents 22% to 29% of the daily recommended intake (DRI) of calcium for an adult. Depending on the age, milk contains 8 grams of protein, and a number of other nutrients (either naturally or through fortification) including:




【ミルクだけに限定した事ではなさそう。よしんば書くとしても乳製品に▽】 2006年のある研究では、子供を望む女性が脂肪分未調整の乳製品を摂取すると若干妊娠しやすくなり、低脂肪の乳製品を摂っていた場合は妊娠する確率がやや下がるという[63]

数々の研究によって、主にミルクや肉・乳製品などに含まれる共役リノール酸は、癌の一種であるアテローム硬化症の予防、高血圧や免疫不全などさまざまな病気に効用を持つと報告された[64][65][65]。 【ここまで△】 


【これも必要か?これでは「だからミルクがいい」という結論まで至っていない – 情報の合成かも】 2010年、ハーバード公衆衛生大学院の研究者らは、酪酸に含まれるトランス-パルミトレイン酸がⅡ型糖尿病のリスクを減少させる可能性を持つことを確認した。彼らは20年間にわたり心臓脈管に疾患を持つ高齢者の危険因子を評価する観察的研究を続け、血中トランス-パルミトレイン酸濃度が高い者は糖尿病を罹患する率が60%ほど低いことを突き止めた[68]


ミルクに含まれる二糖であるラクトースは、小腸で吸収するためには酵素のラクターゼによって構成をガラクトースとグルコースに分解されなければならない。しかし、すべての哺乳動物は乳離れの後にラクターゼの分泌が減衰する。その結果、多くの人間は成長後にラクトースを適切に消化できなくなる。ただしこれも人それぞれであり、ほとんどラクトースを消化できない人もいれば、ある程度は可能な者、さらにミルクや乳製品中に含まれるかなりの比率を問題無く吸収できる者もいる。人のラクターゼ分泌を制御する遺伝子はC/T-13910 である[69]。【×出典なし】充分なラクターゼを作り出せない人がミルクを飲むと、下痢放屁または膨満感や激しい腹痛を引き起こしたり、消化器内を通過しある種の菌相に到達すると嫌気呼吸によってガスが排出される事がある。【×】


【×】Lactose intolerance is a natural process and there is no reliable way to prevent or reverse it.【×】 



ミルクの摂取量によっては健康上の問題を増加させる可能性が、いくつかの研究から提言されている。牛乳アレルギー (CMA) は、特定もしくは複数種の牛乳タンパク質に対する免疫学的な拒絶反応である。ただしそれが死に至らしめる例はまれである[72]


別な研究では、男性が多量のミルクや乳製品を摂取するとパーキンソン病を発症する確率が高まるとの報告がなされた。同報告では、女性には同様な傾向が現れにくいともあった[75]。これがどのような原因によるものか完全には判明しておらず、女性にはリスクが生じにくい理由も分かっていない[75][76]。カルシウムの過剰摂取(1日あたり2000mgまたは合衆国が定める食事摂取基準英語版の倍に相当する1日当りコップ6杯以上)と前立腺癌との間には相関関係があるという報告がなされている[77]。【情報の帰結が不明瞭‐カット】A large study specifically implicates dairy, i.e. low-fat milk and other dairy to which vitamin A palmitate has been added.[78][79]【ここまで】




1993年11月から、FDA認可の下[85]モンサントウシソマトトロピン英語版 (rbST または rBGH) を畜産農家向けに販売している。ウシは自ら成長ホルモン(BGH)をつくりだせるが、生産管理者の中には、搾乳量の増加を見込んで大腸菌を用いた遺伝子工学でつくられた遺伝子組み換え型BGHを投与することが見受けられる。また牛成長ホルモンは肝臓を刺激しインスリン様成長因子1生成を促す。モンサントは、ミルク中の含有量や低温殺菌法の効果によって、これらの物質はいずれも無害だと主張している[86]




Ethical concerns

Vegans and some other vegetarians do not consume milk for a variety of reasons. They may object to features of dairy farming including the necessity of killing almost all the male offspring of dairy cows (either by disposal soon after birth, for veal production, or for beef), the routine separation of mother and calf soon after birth, other perceived inhumane treatment of dairy cattle, and culling of cows after their productive lives.[93]【疑問‐絶対菜食主義者は生後間もなく母乳を飲んでいなかったというならば、ここにあってもいい内容…牛乳ですべき、削除】

Flavored milk in US schools

According to an article in The New York Times, milk must be offered at every meal if a United States school district wishes to get reimbursement from the federal government. A quarter of the largest school districts in the US offer rice or soy milk and almost 17% of all US school districts offer lactose-free milk. Seventy-one percent of the milk served in US school cafeterias is flavored, causing some school districts to propose a ban because flavored milk has added sugars. The Boulder, Colorado school district banned flavored milk in 2009 and instead installed a dispenser that keeps the milk colder.[94] 【ここまで△】


Varieties and brands

Milk products are sold in a number of varieties based on types/degrees of

  • additives (e.g., vitamins),
  • age (e.g., cheddar),
  • coagulation (e.g., cottage cheese),
  • farming method (e.g., organic, grass-fed).
  • fat content (e.g., half and half),
  • fermentation (e.g., buttermilk),
  • flavoring (e.g., chocolate),
  • homogenization (e.g., cream top),
  • reduction or elimination of lactose,
  • mammal (e.g., cow, goat, sheep),
  • packaging (e.g., bottle),
  • pasteurization (e.g., raw milk),
  • water content (e.g., dry milk)

Milk preserved by the UHT process does not need to be refrigerated before opening and has a longer shelf life than milk in ordinary packaging. It is typically sold unrefrigerated in the UK, US, Europe, Latin America, and Australia.

Reduction or elimination of lactose

Lactose-free milk can be produced by passing milk over lactase enzyme bound to an inert carrier. Once the molecule is cleaved, there are no lactose ill effects. Forms are available with reduced amounts of lactose (typically 30% of normal), and alternatively with nearly 0%. The only noticeable difference from regular milk is a slightly sweeter taste due to the generation of glucose by lactose cleavage. It does not, however, contain more glucose, and is nutritionally identical to regular milk.

Finland, where approximately 17% of the Finnish-speaking population has hypolactasia,[95] has had "HYLA" (acronym for hydrolysed lactose) products available for many years. Lactose of low-lactose level cow's milk products, ranging from ice cream to cheese, is enzymatically hydrolysed into glucose and galactose. The ultra-pasteurization process, combined with aseptic packaging, ensures a long shelf life. In 2001, Valio launched a lactose-free milk drink that is not sweet like HYLA milk but has the fresh taste of ordinary milk. Valio patented the chromatographic separation method to remove lactose. Valio also markets these products in Sweden, Estonia, Belgium,[96] and the United States, where the company says ultrafiltration is used.[97]

In the UK, where an estimated 15% of the population are affected by lactose intolerance,[要出典] Lactofree produces milk, cheese, and yogurt products that contain only 0.03% lactose.

To aid digestion in those with lactose intolerance, milk with added bacterial cultures such as Lactobacillus acidophilus ("acidophilus milk") and bifidobacteria ("a/B milk") is available in some areas.[98] Another milk with Lactococcus lactis bacteria cultures ("cultured buttermilk") often is used in cooking to replace the traditional use of naturally soured milk, which has become rare due to the ubiquity of pasteurization, which also kills the naturally occurring Lactococcus bacteria.[99]

Alternatively, a bacterium such as L. acidophilus may be added, which affects the lactose in milk the same way it affects the lactose in yogurt.

Additives and flavoring

In areas where the cattle (and often the people) live indoors, commercially sold milk commonly has vitamin D added to it to make up for lack of exposure to UVB radiation.

Reduced-fat milks often have added vitamin A palmitate to compensate for the loss of the vitamin during fat removal; in the United States this results in reduced fat milks having a higher vitamin A content than whole milk.[100]

Milk often has flavoring added to it for better taste or as a means of improving sales. Chocolate milk has been sold for many years and has been followed more recently by strawberry milk and others. Some nutritionists have criticized flavored milk for adding sugar, usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, to the diets of children who are already commonly obese in the US.[101]


Reusable glass milk bottles used for home delivery service in the UK
A glass milk bottle from the US. Note that American milk bottles are generally rectangular in shape.
A rectangular milk jug design used by Costco and Sam's Club stores in the United States which allows for stacking and display of filled containers rather than being shipped to the store in milk crates and manual loading into a freezer display rack.

Due to the short shelf life of normal milk, it used to be delivered to households daily in many countries; however, improved refrigeration at home, changing food shopping patterns because of supermarkets, and the higher cost of home delivery mean that daily deliveries by a milkman are no longer available in most countries.

Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, prior to "metrification", milk was generally distributed in 1 pint (568ml) glass bottles. In Australia and in Ireland there was a government funded "free milk for school children" program, and milk was distributed at morning recess in 1/3 pint bottles. With the conversion to metric measures, the milk industry were concerned that the replacement of the pint bottles with 500ml bottles would result in a 13.6% drop in milk consumption; hence, all pint bottles were recalled and replaced by 600 mL bottles. With time, due to the steadily increasing cost of collecting, transporting, storing and cleaning glass bottles, they were replaced by cardboard cartons. A number of designs were used, including a tetrahedron which could be close-packed without waste space, and could not be knocked over accidentally. (slogan: No more crying over spilt milk.) However, the industry eventually settled on a design similar to that used in the United States.[102] Milk is now available in a variety of sizes in cardboard cartons (250 mL, 375 mL, 600 mL, 1 liter and 1.5 liters) and plastic bottles (1, 2 and 3 liters). A significant addition to the marketplace has been "long-life" milk (UHT), generally available in 1 and 2 liter rectangular cardboard cartons. In urban and suburban areas where there is sufficient demand, home delivery is still available, though in suburban areas this is often 3 times per week rather than daily. Another significant and popular addition to the marketplace has been flavored milks – for example, as mentioned above, Farmers Union Iced Coffee outsells Coca-Cola in South Australia.


In rural India, milk is delivered daily by a local milkman carrying bulk quantities in a metal container, usually on a bicycle, and in other parts of metropolitan India, milk is usually bought or delivered in a plastic bags or cartons via shops or supermarkets.


In Pakistan, milk is supplied in jugs. Milk has been a staple food, especially among the pastoral tribes in this country.

United Kingdom

Since the late 1990s, milk-buying patterns have changed drastically in the UK. The classic milkman, who travels his local milk round (route) using a milk float (often battery powered) during the early hours and delivers milk in 1 pint glass bottles with aluminium foil tops directly to households, has almost disappeared. The main reasons for the decline of UK home deliveries by milkmen are household refrigerators (which lessen the need for daily milk deliveries) and private car usage (which has increased supermarket shopping). In 1996, more than 2.5 billion liters of milk were still being delivered by milkmen, but by 2006 only 637 million liters (13% of milk consumed) was delivered by some 9,500 milkmen.[103] By 2010, the estimated number of milkmen had dropped to 6,000.[104] Assuming that delivery per milkman is the same as it was in 2006, this means milkmen deliveries now only account for 6–7% of all milk consumed by UK households (6.7 billion liters in 2008/2009).[105]

Almost 95% of all milk in the UK is thus sold in shops today, most of it in plastic bottles of various sizes, but some also in milk cartons. Milk is hardly ever sold in glass bottles in UK shops.

United States

In the United States, glass milk bottles have been replaced mostly with milk cartons and plastic jugs. Gallons of milk are almost always sold in jugs, while half gallons and quarts may be found in both paper cartons and plastic jugs, and smaller sizes are almost always in cartons.

The .5米パイント (0.24 l; 0.42 imp pt) milk carton is the traditional unit as a component of school lunches, though some companies have replaced that unit size with a plastic bottle, which is also available at retail in 6- and 12-pack size.


Glass milk bottles are now rare. Most people purchase milk in bags, plastic bottles, or plastic-coated paper cartons. Ultraviolet (UV) light from fluorescent lighting can alter the flavor of milk, so many companies that once distributed milk in transparent or highly translucent containers are now using thicker materials that block the UV light. Milk comes in a variety of containers with local variants:

Distributed in a variety of sizes, most commonly in aseptic cartons for up to 1.5 liters, and plastic screw-top bottles beyond that with the following volumes; 1.1 L, 2 L, and 3 L. 1 liter milk bags are starting to appear in supermarkets, but have not yet proved popular. Most UHT-milk is packed in 1 or 2 liter paper containers with a sealed plastic spout.[102]
Used to be sold in cooled 1 liter bags, just like in South Africa. Today the most common form is 1 liter aseptic cartons containing UHT skimmed, semi-skimmed or whole milk, although the plastic bags are still in use for pasteurized milk. Higher grades of pasteurized milk can be found in cartons or plastic bottles. Sizes other than 1 liter are rare.
1.33 liter plastic bags (sold as 4 liters in 3 bags) are widely available in some areas (especially the Maritimes, Ontario and Quebec), although the 4 liter plastic jug has supplanted them in western Canada. Other common packaging sizes are 2 liter, 1 liter, 500 mL, and 250 mL cartons, as well as 4 liter, 1 liter, 250 mL aseptic cartons and 500 mL plastic jugs.
Distributed most commonly in aseptic cartons for up to 1 liter, but smaller, snack-sized cartons are also popular. The most common flavors, besides the natural presentation, are chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
Sweetened milk is a drink popular with students of all ages and is often sold in small plastic bags complete with straw. Adults not wishing to drink at a banquet often drink milk served from cartons or milk tea.
UHT milk (trajno mlijeko/trajno mleko/трајно млеко) is sold in 500 mL and 1 L (sometimes also 200 ml) aseptic cartons. Non-UHT pasteurized milk (svježe mlijeko/sveže mleko/свеже млеко) is most commonly sold in 1 L and 1.5 L PET bottles, though in Serbia one can still find milk in plastic bags.
Sizes of 500 mL, 1 liter (the most common), 1.5 liters, 2 liters and 3 liters are commonplace.
Commonly sold in 1 L or 1.5 L cartons, in some places also in 2 dl and 5 dl cartons.
Milk is sold in glass bottles (220 mL), cartons (236 mL and 1 L), plastic jugs (2 liters) and aseptic cartons (250 mL).
Commonly sold in 500 mL plastic bags and in bottles in some parts like in west. It is still customary to serve the milk boiled, despite pasteurization. Milk is often buffalo milk. Flavored milk is sold in most convenience stores in waxed cardboard containers. Convenience stores also sell many varieties of milk (such as flavored and ultra-pasteurized) in different sizes, usually in aseptic cartons.
Usually sold in 1 liter cartons, but smaller, snack-sized cartons are available.
Non-UHT milk is most commonly sold in 1 liter waxed cardboard boxes and 1 liter plastic bags. It may also be found in 0.5 L and 2 L waxed cardboard boxes, 2 L plastic jugs and 1 L plastic bottles. UHT milk is available in 1 liter (and less commonly also in 0.25 L) carton "bricks".
Commonly sold in 1 liter waxed paperboard cartons. In most city centers there is also home delivery of milk in glass jugs. As seen in China, sweetened and flavored milk drinks are commonly seen in vending machines.
Sold in cartons (180 mL, 200 mL, 500 mL 900 mL, 1 L, 1.8 L, 2.3 L), plastic jugs (1 L and 1.8 L), aseptic cartons (180 mL and 200 mL) and plastic bags (1 L).
Milk is supplied in 500 mL Plastic bags and carried in Jugs from rural to cities and sell
UHT milk is mostly sold in aseptic cartons (500 mL, 1 L, 2 L), and non-UHT in 1 L plastic bags or plastic bottles. Milk, UHT is commonly boiled, despite being pasteurized.
Commonly sold in 1 liter bags. The bag is then placed in a plastic jug and the corner cut off before the milk is poured.
Commonly sold in 0.3 L, 1 L or 1.5 L cartons and sometimes as plastic or glass milk bottles.
Commonly sold in 500 mL or 1L cartons or special plastic bottles. UHT milk is more popular. Milkmen also serve in smaller towns and villages.
Most stores stock imperial sizes: 1 pint (568 mL, 2 pints (1.136 L), 4 pints (2.273 L), 6 pints (3.408 L) or a combination including both metric and imperial sizes. Glass milk bottles delivered to the doorstep by the milkman are typically pint-sized and are returned empty by the householder for repeated reuse. Milk is sold at supermarkets in either aseptic cartons or HDPE bottles. Supermarkets have also now begun to introduce milk in bags, to be poured from a proprietary jug and nozzle.
Commonly sold in gallon (3.78 L), half-gallon (1.89 L) and quart (0.94 L) containers of natural-colored HDPE resin, or, for sizes less than one gallon, cartons of waxed paperboard. Bottles made of opaque PET are also becoming commonplace for smaller, particularly metric, sizes such as one liter. The US single-serving size is usually the half-pint (about 240 mL). Less frequently, dairies deliver milk directly to consumers, from coolers filled with glass bottles which are typically half-gallon sized and returned for reuse. Some convenience store chains in the United States (such as Kwik Trip in the Midwest) sell milk in half-gallon bags, while another rectangular cube gallon container design used for easy stacking in shipping and displaying is used by warehouse clubs such as Costco and Sam's Club, along with some Wal-Mart stores.[106]
Commonly sold in 1 liter bags. The bag is then placed in a plastic jug and the corner cut off before the milk is poured.

Practically everywhere, condensed milk and evaporated milk are distributed in metal cans, 250 and 125 mL paper containers and 100 and 200 mL squeeze tubes, and powdered milk (skim and whole) is distributed in boxes or bags.

Spoilage and fermented milk products

Brazilian Yakult is a probiotic milk-like product made by fermenting a mixture of skimmed milk with a special strain of the bacterium Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

When raw milk is left standing for a while, it turns "sour". This is the result of fermentation, where lactic acid bacteria ferment the lactose in the milk into lactic acid. Prolonged fermentation may render the milk unpleasant to consume. This fermentation process is exploited by the introduction of bacterial cultures (e.g. Lactobacilli sp., Streptococcus sp., Leuconostoc sp., etc.) to produce a variety of fermented milk products. The reduced pH from lactic acid accumulation denatures proteins and causes the milk to undergo a variety of different transformations in appearance and texture, ranging from an aggregate to smooth consistency. Some of these products include sour cream, yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, viili, kefir, and kumis. See Dairy product for more information.

Pasteurization of cow's milk initially destroys any potential pathogens and increases the shelf life,[要出典] but eventually results in spoilage that makes it unsuitable for consumption. This causes it to assume an unpleasant odor, and the milk is deemed non-consumable due to unpleasant taste and an increased risk of food poisoning. In raw milk, the presence of lactic acid-producing bacteria, under suitable conditions, ferments the lactose present to lactic acid. The increasing acidity in turn prevents the growth of other organisms, or slows their growth significantly. During pasteurization, however, these lactic acid bacteria are mostly destroyed.

In order to prevent spoilage, milk can be kept refrigerated and stored between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius in bulk tanks. Most milk is pasteurized by heating briefly and then refrigerated to allow transport from factory farms to local markets. The spoilage of milk can be forestalled by using ultra-high temperature (UHT) treatment. Milk so treated can be stored unrefrigerated for several months until opened but has a characteristic "cooked" taste. Condensed milk, made by removing most of the water, can be stored in cans for many years, unrefrigerated, as can evaporated milk. The most durable form of milk is powdered milk, which is produced from milk by removing almost all water. The moisture content is usually less than 5% in both drum- and spray-dried powdered milk. 【ここまで△】  



人間の文化において乳 (milk) がいかに重要かという事は、数々の言語表現に使われれることで説明できる。例えば、「the milk of human kindness」(人間的な思いやり)という用例がある。古代ギリシア神話では女神ヘーラーヘーラクレースを引き離した際に溢れた乳が天の川(ミルキーウェイ)になったという。

【移動候補】  アジアやアフリカなど発展途上国では、伝統的にクリームよりも発酵乳からバターがつくられる事が多い。これは、発酵乳を数時間かき混ぜることで容易に得られた[107]

聖書にもミルクを意図した言葉があり、イスラエルを「乳と蜜が流れる地」と表現している。コーランの「蜜蜂」には乳について述べた箇所があり、乳は家畜の中で飼料と血液の中間から生じ、人間に与えられる美味な飲み物だと言う (16-The Honeybee, 66)。伝統的に、ラマダーン明けには一杯のミルクと乾燥ナツメヤシの実を口にする。


英単語ミルク(milk)には、多くの英語圏で「他人を利用する」(to milk someone) という慣用句で使われる。




食品用途以外にも、ミルクは農業や園芸の分野で、有機殺菌剤や肥料としても使われる[109][信頼性要検証]。希釈されたミルクは、植物を傷つける事なくブドウのうどん粉病を防止する効果を示した[110]。 【ここまで】 



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