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Anty Farmwell

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Anty Farmwell is a member of the Pet Mob from BotBots
BotBots - Science Alliance - Anty Farmwell.jpg

Anty Farmwell is the type that takes her pets with her wherever she goes. Given she's an ant farm and they live inside her, that's not hard to do. She's nice enough to interact with, though not the best when it comes to things like remembering names. With so many ants to tend to, who can blame her?


BotBots cartoon

BotBots ep5a Love - BlindDate.jpg
Voice actor: Julie Lemieux (English), Timea Sági (Hungarian), Jheni Rinjo (Indonesian), Nur Azeera Mohamad Nazir (Malaysian), Maria Claudia Cardoso (Brazilian Portuguese), Sofia Brito (European Portuguese), Julia Martinez Rubio (Castilian Spanish), Andrea Orozco (Latin-American Spanish), Umut Aksoy (Turkish)

When Dimlit fell in love with a mannequin, Burgertron and Kikmee decided the best way to help him was to ambush him with a blind date with Anty Farmwell. Anty was both enthusiastic and a bit oblivious about the date, getting his name wrong and dismissing his growing unease about her pets crawling all over him by saying they must smell his pet ants. Kikmee attempted to turn the date around by serenading the couple using a rubber band and toothpick, but the high pitched noise she made drove Anty's ants crazy. They swarmed under her, caring her away. Anty's ants continued to carry her around the mall before it opened. Dimlit in Love Anty attended the beach party, relaxing in a pool on a flamingo inflatable. When the Lost Bots brought the Science Alliance to the party to warn everyone that all the sand getting in the air conditioner was clogging it, causing the heat wave in the mall, she joined in shouting them down before she and the other BotBots partying even harder then before. After the Science Alliance dropped some musical edutainment on the crowd, Anty suggested they clean up the sand each night and reuse it instead of dumping it in the air conditioner. The Science Alliance Later, Anty attended the finals of the Goldrush Games. When it was revealed Spud Muffin had rigged the games and had broke the Sacred Rule of the Mall, she called for him to be put on the next truck out of the mall. The Goldrush Games - Part the Second



BotBots-toy AntyFarmwell.jpg
  • Pet Mob (8-pack, 2022)
  • Series: 6
  • Rarity: Rare
Part of the sixth Series of BotBots, Anty Farmwell is a redeco of Clawsome, transforming into an ant farm.
She was only available in one of the two "Pet Mob"-themed 8-packs, along with Chow Wow, Coach Husky, Crickets..., Feathers, Uncaged, Fuzzy Fearless, Poo-Tricia Pickup, and a blind-packed Rattle Tail.
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