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The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Three: Volume 3

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The Transformers: The IDW Collection
The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Three: Volume 3
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published September 28, 2022
Writers John Barber, Sean Ryan and James Roberts
Artists Fico Ossio, Guido Guidi, Agnes Garbowska, Ron Joseph, Robert Atkins, Priscilla Tramontano, Casey Coller, Livio Ramondelli, Jack Lawrence, Alex Milne, Andrew Griffith and Kei Zama
Colours Sebastian Cheng, Guido Guidi, David García Cruz, Jorge Sutil, Joana Lafuente, Priscilla Tramontano, John-Paul Bove, Thomas Deer, Josh Perez, Josh Burcham and Livio Ramondelli
Letterers Tom B. Long and Chris Mowry
Editors David Hedgecock, David Mariotte and Carlos Guzman
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
ISBN ISBN 1684059070
ISBN 978-1684059072
Page count 400 pages
Price $59.99 USD

The Transformers: The IDW Collection Phase Three: Volume 3, published by IDW Publishing in September, 2022, is the twenty-third in a series of hardcovers aiming to reprint the original IDW Transformers stories in a "suggested reading order". The material in this volume was first published between May, 2017 and December, 2017. It features new cover art of Kup by Sara Pitre-Durocher.

Unfortunately, due to IDW Publishing’s losing of the Transformers license, it is also the final entry in this series. Editor David Mariotte stated on his Twitter that around five more volumes would have been needed to finish out the series.[1]



  1. "This is the last one, I'm afraid. Maintaining the quality and length you've come to expect, we'd need to do 5 more volumes to finish out, I believe, and that's not workable. The final hardcover volume of IDW2 is out in November. More TF collections, Best ofs, and issues to come!"—David Mariotte, Twitter, 2022/09/28
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