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Transformers: Dinobots

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The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation).

In 2003, Walmart stores carried an exclusive Transformers line named Transformers: Dinobots, consisting of six redecoed Beast Wars era molds, split into three two-packs. Each set contained both a Deluxe-level and a Basic-level toy, but was sold for only the price of a standard Deluxe. Every toy in the line was an Autobot by allegiance.

It was unknown for a long time what fictional "universe" the Dinobots line belonged to. While they were released along with the Armada line, some fans placed them in the "catch-all" Universe series, and 3H had vague plans to include them in the Universe comic series in future installments, but those never materialized. In 2015, the Facebook blog Ask Vector Prime declared the Dinobots to be 2001 Robots in Disguise characters.

The Dinobots sets were...

  • Grimlock and Terranotron (AKA Swoop)
  • Snarl and Sludge
  • Triceradon and Slapper
  • Notes

    • Curiously, the Beast Machines Dinobots subline packaging completely lacks Beast Machines logos, rendering its title "Transformers: Dinobots" as well.
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