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My name is Satoshi Kume. I live in Kyōbashi (Q1112927) (a part of Osaka (Q35765), Kansai (Q1111292), Japan (Q17)). I started to mainly edit the Japanese Wikidata since July 2020. I studied biochemistry (Q7094) and bioinformatics (Q128570) at the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Q1135937) (B.S.) and Osaka Prefecture University (Q290456) (M.S. & PhD) in Japan.

I currently belong to Osaka Electro-Communication University (Q7105556), Osaka City University (Q1143396), and RIKEN (Q1153275) BDR (2020-present). I received my Ph.D. in Applied life sciences (Q864928) at the Osaka Prefecture University (Q290456) (2013). I started my research career as a postdoctoral researcher at the RIKEN (Q1153275), Japan (Q17) (2013–2020). Currently my research focuses on using machine learning for comprehensive morphological analyses in biological applications. Satoshi loves R (Q206904) and deep learning (Q197536).

Now I am also interested in editing the fields related to the polymer science (Q3456979), materials science (Q228736) and physical property (Q4373292).