This is a Swadesh list of words in English with British pronunciation in IPA.
edit- For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.
American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.
editNo. | English | Bengali | IPA pronunciation |
1 | I | আমি (ami) | [aɪ] |
2 | you (singular) | [juː] | |
3 | he | [ˈhiː] | |
4 | we | আমরা (amra) | [wiː] |
5 | you (plural) |
তোরা (tōra) (intimate)
[juː] |
6 | they |
এরা (era)
[ðeɪ] |
7 | this | [ðɪs] | |
8 | that |
ওটা (ōṭa)
[ðæt] |
9 | here | [hɪə] | |
10 | there | [ðɛə] | |
11 | who | [huː] | |
12 | what | কী (ki) | [wɒt] |
13 | where | [wɛə] | |
14 | when | [wɛn] | |
15 | how |
কেমন (kemon)
[haʊ] |
16 | not | [nɒt] | |
17 | all | সব (śobo) | [ɔːl] |
18 | many | অনেক (onek) | [ˈmɛni] |
19 | some | কিছু (kichu) | [sʌm] |
20 | few | কম (kom) | [fjuː] |
21 | other | অন্য (onno) | [ˈʌðə] |
22 | one | এক (ek) | [wʌn] |
23 | two | দুই (dui) | [tuː] |
24 | three | তিন (tin) | [θriː] |
25 | four | চার (car) | [fɔː] |
26 | five | পাঁচ (pãc) | [faɪv] |
27 | big | বড় (boṛ) | [bɪg] |
28 | long | লম্বা (lomba) | [lɒŋ] |
29 | wide | চওড়া (coōṛa) | [waɪd] |
30 | thick | মোটা (mōṭa) | [θɪk] |
31 | heavy | ভারী (bhari) | [ˈhɛvi] |
32 | small | ছোট (chōṭ) | [smɔːl] |
33 | short | [ʃɔːt] | |
34 | narrow | সরু (śoru) | [ˈnærəʊ] |
35 | thin | সরু (śoru) | [θɪn] |
36 | woman | মহিলা (mohila) | [ˈwʊmən] |
37 | man | পুরুষ (puruś) | [mæn] |
38 | person | মানুষ (manuś) | [ˈpɜːsən] |
39 | child | বাচ্চা (bacca) | [ʧaɪld] |
40 | wife | বউ (bou) | [waɪf] |
41 | husband | বর (bor) | [ˈhʌzbənd] |
42 | mother | [ˈmʌðə] | |
43 | father | [ˈfɑːðə] | |
44 | animal | জন্তু (jontu) | [ˈænɪməl] |
45 | fish | মাছ (mach) | [fɪʃ] |
46 | bird | পাখি (pakhi) | [bɜːd] |
47 | dog | [dɒg] | |
48 | louse | উকুন (ukun) | [laʊs] |
49 | snake | সাপ (śap) | [sneɪk] |
50 | worm | কৃমি (krimi) | [wɜːm] |
51 | tree | গাছ (gach) | [triː] |
52 | forest | বন (bon) | [ˈfɒrɪst] |
53 | stick | [stɪk] | |
54 | fruit | ফল (phol) | [fruːt] |
55 | seed | [siːd] | |
56 | leaf | পাতা (pata) | [liːf] |
57 | root | শিকড় (śikoṛ) | [ruːt] |
58 | bark (of a tree) | [bɑːk] | |
59 | flower | ফুল (phul) | [ˈflaʊə] |
60 | grass | ঘাস (ghaś) | [grɑːs] |
61 | rope | দড়ি (doṛi) | [rəʊp] |
62 | skin | [skɪn] | |
63 | meat | [miːt] | |
64 | blood | রক্ত (rokto) | [blʌd] |
65 | bone | হাড় (haṛ) | [bəʊn] |
66 | fat (noun) | চর্বি (corbi) | [fæt] |
67 | egg | ডিম (ḍim) | [ɛg] |
68 | horn | শিং (śiṅ) | [hɔːn] |
69 | tail | লেজ (lej) | [teɪl] |
70 | feather | পালক (palok) | [ˈfɛðə] |
71 | hair | চুল (cul) | [hɛə] |
72 | head | [hɛd] | |
73 | ear | কান (kan) | [ɪər] |
74 | eye | চোখ (cōkh) | [aɪ] |
75 | nose | নাক (nak) | [nəʊz] |
76 | mouth | মুখ (mukh) | [maʊθ] |
77 | tooth | দাঁত (dãt) | [tuːθ] |
78 | tongue (organ) | [tʌŋ] | |
79 | fingernail | নখ (nokh) | [ˈfɪŋgəneɪl] |
80 | foot | পা (pa) | [fʊt] |
81 | leg | পা (pa) | [lɛg] |
82 | knee | হাঁটু (hãṭu) | [niː] |
83 | hand | হাত (hat) | [hænd] |
84 | wing | ডানা (ḍana) | [wɪŋ] |
85 | belly | পেট (peṭ) | [ˈbɛli] |
86 | guts | [gʌts] | |
87 | neck | গলা (gola) | [nɛk] |
88 | back | পিঠ (piṭh) | [bæk] |
89 | breast | বুক (buk) | [brɛst] |
90 | heart | হৃদয় (hridoẏ) | [hɑːt] |
91 | liver | [ˈlɪvə] | |
92 | to drink | খাওয়া (khaōẇa) | [drɪŋk] |
93 | to eat | খাওয়া (khaōẇa) | [iːt] |
94 | to bite | কামড়ানো (kamṛanō) | [baɪt] |
95 | to suck | চোষা (cōśa) | [sʌk] |
96 | to spit | [spɪt] | |
97 | to vomit | বমি করা (bomi kora) | [ˈvɒmɪt] |
98 | to blow | ফুঁ দেওয়া (phũ deōẇa) | [bləʊ] |
99 | to breathe | নিশ্বাস নেওয়া (niśśaś neōẇa) | [briːð] |
100 | to laugh | হাসা (haśa) | [lɑːf] |
101 | to see | দেখা (dekha) | [siː] |
102 | to hear | শোনা (śōna) | [hɪə] |
103 | to know | জানা (jana) | [nəʊ] |
104 | to think | ভাবা (bhaba) | [θɪŋk] |
105 | to smell | শোঁকা (śō̃ka) | [smɛl] |
106 | to fear |
ভয় পাওয়া (bhoẏ paōẇa)
[fɪə] |
107 | to sleep | ঘুমানো (ghumanō) | [sliːp] |
108 | to live | বাঁচা (bãca) | [lɪv] |
109 | to die | মরা (mora) | [daɪ] |
110 | to kill | মারা (mara) | [kɪl] |
111 | to fight | লড়া (loṛa) | [faɪt] |
112 | to hunt | শিকার করা (śikar kora) | [hʌnt] |
113 | to hit | মারা (mara) | [hɪt] |
114 | to cut | কাটা (kaṭa) | [kʌt] |
115 | to split | [splɪt] | |
116 | to stab | [stæb] | |
117 | to scratch | [skræʧ] | |
118 | to dig | খোঁড়া (khō̃ṛa) | [dɪg] |
119 | to swim | সাঁতরানো (śãtranō) | [swɪm] |
120 | to fly | ওড়া (ōṛa) | [flaɪ] |
121 | to walk | হাঁটা (hãṭa) | [wɔːk] |
122 | to come | আসা (aśa) | [kʌm] |
123 | to lie (as in a bed) | শোয়া (śōẇa) | [laɪ] |
124 | to sit | বসা (bośa) | [sɪt] |
125 | to stand | দাঁড়ানো (dãṛanō) | [stænd] |
126 | to turn (intransitive) | ঘোরা (ghōra) | [tɜːn] |
127 | to fall | পড়া (poṛa) | [fɔːl] |
128 | to give | দেওয়া (deōẇa) | [gɪv] |
129 | to hold | ধরা (dhora) | [həʊld] |
130 | to squeeze | [skwiːz] | |
131 | to rub | ঘষা (ghośa) | [rʌb] |
132 | to wash | ধোয়া (dhōẇa) | [wɒʃ] |
133 | to wipe | মোছা (mōcha) | [waɪp] |
134 | to pull | টানা (ṭana) | [pʊl] |
135 | to push | ঠেলা (ṭhela) | [pʊʃ] |
136 | to throw | ছোড়া (chōṛa) | [θrəʊ] |
137 | to tie | বাঁধা (bãdha) | [taɪ] |
138 | to sew | [səʊ] | |
139 | to count | গোনা (gōna) | [kaʊnt] |
140 | to say | বলা (bola) | [seɪ] |
141 | to sing | গাওয়া (gaōẇa) | [sɪŋ] |
142 | to play | খেলা (khela) | [pleɪ] |
143 | to float | ভাসা (bhaśa) | [fləʊt] |
144 | to flow | [fləʊ] | |
145 | to freeze | জমা (joma) | [friːz] |
146 | to swell | ফোলা (phōla) | [swɛl] |
147 | sun | সূর্য (śurjo) | [sʌn] |
148 | moon | চাঁদ (cãd) | [muːn] |
149 | star | তারা (tara) | [stɑː] |
150 | water | [ˈwɔːtə] | |
151 | rain | বৃষ্টি (briśṭi) | [reɪn] |
152 | river | নদী (nodi) | [ˈrɪvə] |
153 | lake | হ্রদ (hrod) | [leɪk] |
154 | sea | সমুদ্র (śomudro) | [siː] |
155 | salt | [sɔːlt] | |
156 | stone | পাথর (pathor) | [stəʊn] |
157 | sand | বালি (bali) | [sænd] |
158 | dust | ধুল (dhul) | [dʌst] |
159 | earth | মাটি (maṭi) | [ɜːθ] |
160 | cloud | মেঘ (megh) | [klaʊd] |
161 | fog | কুয়াশা (kuẏaśa) | [fɒg] |
162 | sky | আকাশ (akaś) | [skaɪ] |
163 | wind | [wɪnd] | |
164 | snow | বরফ (boroph) | [snəʊ] |
165 | ice | বরফ (boroph) | [aɪs] |
166 | smoke | ধোঁয়া (dhō̃ẇa) | [sməʊk] |
167 | fire | আগুন (agun) | [ˈfaɪər] |
168 | ash | ছাই (chai) | [æʃ] |
169 | to burn | [bɜːn] | |
170 | road | [rəʊd] | |
171 | mountain | পাহাড় (pahaṛ) | [ˈmaʊntɪn] |
172 | red | লাল (lal) | [rɛd] |
173 | green | সবুজ (śobuj) | [griːn] |
174 | yellow | হলুদ (holud) | [ˈjɛləʊ] |
175 | white | সাদা (śada) | [waɪt] |
176 | black | কালো (kalō) | [blæk] |
177 | night | [naɪt] | |
178 | day | দিন (din) | [deɪ] |
179 | year | বছর (bochor) | [jɪə] |
180 | warm | গরম (gorom) | [wɔːm] |
181 | cold | ঠাণ্ডা (ṭhanḍa) | [kəʊld] |
182 | full | ভরতি (bhoroti) | [fʊl] |
183 | new | নতুন (notun) | [njuː] |
184 | old | [əʊld] | |
185 | good | [gʊd] | |
186 | bad | [bæd] | |
187 | rotten | পচা (poca) | [ˈrɒtən] |
188 | dirty | নোংরা (nōṅra) | [ˈdɜːti] |
189 | straight | সোজা (śōja) | [streɪt] |
190 | round | গোল (gōl) | [raʊnd] |
191 | sharp (as a knife) | ধারালো (dharalō) | [ʃɑːp] |
192 | dull (as a knife) | ভোঁতা (bhō̃ta) | [dʌl] |
193 | smooth | [smuːð] | |
194 | wet | ভেজা (bheja) | [wɛt] |
195 | dry | শুকনো (śukonō) | [draɪ] |
196 | correct | ঠিক (ṭhik) | [kəˈrɛkt] |
197 | near | কাছে (kache) | [nɪə] |
198 | far | দূর (dur) | [fɑː] |
199 | right | ডান (ḍan) | [raɪt] |
200 | left | বাঁ (bã) | [lɛft] |
201 | at | [æt] | |
202 | in | [ɪn] | |
203 | with | [wɪð] | |
204 | and | [ænd] | |
205 | if | যদি (jodi) | [ɪf] |
206 | because | [bɪˈkɒz] | |
207 | name | নাম (nam) | [neɪm] |