Appendix:Mandarin Swadesh lists

See Appendix:Sino-Tibetan Swadesh lists

This is a Swadesh list of words in Mandarin, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.



The Standard list includes Pinyin and IPA transcription, the Sichuanese list uses Sichuanese Pinyin, and the Nanjingnese list uses Langjin Pinin

普通話普通话 (pǔtōnghuà)
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四川話四川话 (Sìchuānhuà)
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南京話南京话 (Nánjīnghuà)
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1I (1sg) () (ngo3) (o3)
2you (2sg) ()*, (nín)* (nyi3) (li3)
3he, she, it (3sg) (), (), () (ta1) (ta1)
4we (1pl)我們我们 (wǒmen)我們我们 (ngo3 men2-1)我們我们 (o3 men2)
5you (2pl)你們你们 (nǐmen)*, (nín)*你們你们 (nyi3 men2-1)你們你们 (li3 men2)
6they (3pl)他們他们 (tāmen)他們他们 (ta1 men2-1)他們他们 (ta1 men2)
7this (zhè, zhèi), 這個这个 (zhège, zhèige)這個这个 (ze4 go4)這個这个 (zhe4 go4)
8that (nà, nèi), 那個那个 (nàge, nèige)那個那个 (na4 go4)那個那个 (la4 go4)
9here這裡这里 (zhèli), 這兒这儿 (zhèr)*這點兒这点儿 (ze4 dianr3)這塊这块 (zhe4 kuä4)
10there那裡那里 (nàli), 那兒那儿 (nàr)那點兒那点儿 (na4 dianr3)那塊那块 (la4 kuä4)
11who (shéi, shúi)誰個谁个 (sui2 go4)哪個哪个 (la3 go4)
12what什麼什么 (shénme), 哪個哪个 (nǎge)*啥子 (sa4 zi3)什麼什么 (shen2 mo3)
13where哪裡哪里 (nǎli), 哪兒哪儿 (nǎr)*那跟前 (na3 gen1 qian2), 哪下兒哪下儿 (na3 har2)哪裏哪里 (la3 li3), 哪塊哪块 (la3 kuä4)
14when什麼時候什么时候 (shénmē shíhòu)哪陣哪阵 (na3 zen4)多咱 (do1 zang3), 什麼時候什么时候 (shen2 mo3 shr2 hou4), 幾時几时 (ji1 shr2)
15how如何 (rúhé)*, 怎麼怎么 (zěnme)*, 怎樣怎样 (zěnyàng)*啷個啷个 (nang3 go4)怎麼怎么 (zen3 mo3)
16not ()*, (bié)*, (méi)* (bu2) (bu5)
17all全部 (quánbù)*, (zhěng)*, 所有 (suǒyǒu)*, (dōu)*, 一共 (yīgòng)*全部 (quan2 bu4)全部 (cüän2 bu4)
18many (duō) (do1) (do1)
19some一些 (yīxiē), 幾個几个 (jǐge) (xi1)幾個几个 (ji1 go4)
20few (shǎo) (sao4) (shao3)
21other其他 (qítā), 別的别的 (biéde)[[#Mandarin|]]旁的 (pang2 di5), 別的别的 (bie5 di5)
22one () (yi2) (i5)
23two (èr)*, (liǎng)* (er4), (niang3) (er4)
24three (sān) (san1) (sang1)
25four () (si4) (sy4)
26five () (wu3) (u3)
27big () (da4) (da4)
28long (cháng) (cang2) (chang2)
29wide (kuān) (kuan1) (kuang1)
30thick (hòu) (hou4) (hou4)
31heavy (zhòng) (zong4) (zhong4)
32small (xiǎo) (xiao3) (siao3)
33short (duǎn) (duan3) (duang3)
34narrow (zhǎi) (ze2) (zä5)
35thin (báo) (bo2) (bo5), 𣻏 (xao1)
36woman女人 (nǚrén)女的 (nyü3 ni1), 女人 (nyü3 ren2), 女人家 (nyü3 ren2 jia1)女的 (lü3 di5), 女人 (lü3 ren2)
37man (adult male)男人 (nánrén)男的 (nan2 ni1), 男人 (nan2 ren2), 男人家 (nan2 ren2 jia1)男的 (lang2 di5), 男人 (lang2 ren2)
38man (human being) (rén) (ren2) (ren2)
39child孩子 (háizi), 兒童儿童 (értóng), 小孩 (xiǎohái)小娃兒小娃儿 (xiao3 wa2 er2-1)小娃兒小娃儿 (siao3 ua1 er2)
40wife妻子 (qīzi), 老婆 (lǎopó)*女的 (nyü3 ni1), 女人 (nyü3 ren2), 婆娘 (po2 nyiang1)家裏家里 (ja1 li3), 老婆 (lao3 po2), 內人内人 (luei4 ren2)
41husband丈夫 (zhàngfu), 老公 (lǎogōng)*男的 (nan2 ni1), 男人 (nan2 ren2)當家的当家的 (dang1 ja1 di5), 男人 (lang2 ren2), 丈夫 (zhang4 fu1)
42mother母親母亲 (mǔqīn), 媽媽妈妈 (māma)*媽媽妈妈 (ma1 ma1), (ma1) (ma1)
43father父親父亲 (fùqīn)*, 爸爸 (bàba)*爸爸 (ba2 ba2-1), 老漢兒老汉儿 (nao3 hanr2) (die1)
44animal動物动物 (dòngwù)動物动物 (dong4 wu2)動物动物 (dong4 u5)
45fish () (yu2), 擺尾子摆尾子 (bai3 wei3 zi3-2) (ü2)
46bird (niǎo)雀雀 (qüo2 qüo2-1) (liao3)
47dog (gǒu) (gou3) (gou3)
48louse (shī)蝨子虱子 (se2 zi3)蝨子虱子 (sä5 zy3)
49snake (shé) (se2)蛇兒蛇儿 (she2 er2)
50worm (chóng)*, 蠕蟲蠕虫 (rúchóng)*, 蚯蚓 (qiūyǐn)* (cong2) (chong2)
51tree (shù)樹子树子 (su4 zi3) (shu4)
52forest森林 (sēnlín)樹林子树林子 (su4 nin2 zi3)樹林子树林子 (shu4 lin2 zy3)
53stick樹枝树枝 (shùzhī)*, 枝條枝条 (zhītiáo)*, 枝子 (zhīzi)*樹枝枝树枝枝 (su4 zi1 zi1)樹枝树枝 (shu4 zhr1)
54fruit水果 (shǔiguǒ)水果 (sui3 go3)水果 (shuei3 go3)
55seed種子种子 (zhǒngzi)[[#Mandarin|]]種子种子 (zhong3 zy3)
56leaf (), 葉子叶子 (yèzi)樹子葉葉树子叶叶 (su4 zi3 ye2 ye2-1)樹葉兒树叶儿 (shu4 ie5 er2)
57root (gēn)根根 (gen1 gen1)樹根树根 (shu4 gen1)
58bark (of a tree)樹皮树皮 (shùpí)樹皮树皮 (su4 pi2)樹皮树皮 (shu4 pi2)
59flower (huā)花花兒花花儿 (hua1 huar1) (hua1)
60grass (cǎo) (cao3) (cao3)
61rope (shéng), 繩子绳子 (shéngzi)索索 (so2 so2)繩子绳子 (shen2 zy3)
62skin (), 皮膚皮肤 (pífū)皮皮 (pi2 pi2-1)皮膚皮肤 (pi2 fu1)
63meat (ròu) (rou4) (rou4)
64blood (xiě, xuè, xuě), 血液 (xiěyè, xuèyè, xuěyè) (xue2) (xüe5)
65bone (), 骨頭骨头 (gǔtóu)骨頭骨头 (gu2 tou2-1)骨頭骨头 (gu5 tou2)
66fat (noun)脂肪 (zhīfáng)[[#Mandarin|]]脂肪 (zhr1 fang1)
67egg (dàn), 鷄蛋鸡蛋 (jīdàn)* (dan4) (dang4)
68horn (jiǎo) (juo2) (go5)
69tail (wěi), 尾巴 (wěibā)尾巴兒尾巴儿 (wei3 bar1)尾巴 (uei3 ba1)
70feather羽毛 (yǔmáo)[[#Mandarin|]]羽毛 (ü3 mao2)
71hair頭髮头发 (tóufa)頭髮头发 (tou2 fa2-1)頭髮头发 (tou2 fa5)
72head (tóu)腦殼脑壳 (nao3 ko2)頭兒头儿 (tou2 er2)
73ear耳朵 (ěrduo)耳朵 (er3 do1)耳朵 (er3 do3)
74eye眼睛 (yǎnjing)眼睛 (yan3 jin1)眼睛 (iän3 zin1)
75nose (), 鼻子 (bízi)鼻子 (bi2 zi3)鼻子 (bi5 zy3)
76mouth (zuǐ), 嘴巴 (zuǐba)嘴巴 (zui3 ba1) (zuei3)
77tooth牙齒牙齿 (yáchǐ)牙齒牙齿 (ya2 ci3-1) (ia2)
78tongue (organ) (shé), 舌頭舌头 (shétou)舌頭兒舌头儿 (se2 tour2-1)舌頭舌头 (shä5 tou2)
79fingernail指甲 (zhǐjia)指甲兒指甲儿 (zi3 jiar2)指甲 (zhr3 ja5)
80foot (jiǎo) (juo2) (jo5)
81leg (tuǐ) (tui3) (tuei3)
82knee (), 膝蓋膝盖 (xīgài)磕膝頭兒磕膝头儿 (ke2 xi2-1 tour2), 膝蓋膝盖 (xi2 gai4)磕膝頭磕膝头 (ko5 ci5 tou2)
83hand (shǒu) (sou3) (shou3)
84wing ()*, 翅膀 (chìbǎng)翅膀兒翅膀儿 (zi4 bangr3)翅膀 (chr4 bang3)
85belly肚子 (dùzi)肚皮 (du4 pi2), 肚子 (du4 zi3-2)肚子 (du3 zy3)
86guts腸子肠子 (chángzi)[[#Mandarin|]]腸子肠子 (chang2 zy3)
87neck脖子 (bózi)頸仔颈仔 (jin3 zi3-2), 頸項颈项 (jin3 hang4-2)頸子颈子 (jin3 zy3)
88back (bèi) (bei4)脊背 (zi5 bei4)
89breast (xiōng)*, 胸部 (xiōngbù)*, 胸膛 (xiōngtáng)*, 乳房 (rǔfáng)*胸脯 (xiong1 pu3)胸脯 (xong1 pu2)*, 奶兒奶儿 (lä3 er2)*
90heart心臟心脏 (xīnzàng) (xin1) (sin1)
91liver (gān)*, 肝臟肝脏 (gānzàng) (gan1) (gang1)
92to drink () (ho1) (chr5), (ho5)
93to eat (chī) (ci2) (chr5)
94to bite (yǎo) (ngao3) (iao3)
95to suck ()*, (chuò)*, 吮吸 (shǔnxī)*[[#Mandarin|]] (xi5), (sho5)
96to spit ()*, 吐口水 (tǔ kǒushuǐ)*, 吐痰 (tǔtán)* (tu3) (tu3)
97to vomit (ǒu)*, ()*, 嘔吐呕吐 (ǒutù)* (tu3) (tu4)
98to blow (chuī) (cui1) (chuei1)
99to breathe呼吸 (hūxī)呼吸 (fu1 xi1)呼吸 (hu1 xi5)
100to laugh (xiào) (xiao4) (siao4)
101to see (kàn) (kan4) (kang4)
102to hear (tīng) (tin1) (tin1)
103to know知道 (zhīdào), 曉得晓得 (xiǎode), 認識认识 (rènshi)*知道 (zi1 dao4), 曉得晓得 (xiao3 de2)曉得晓得 (xao3 dä5), 知道 (zhr1 dao4)
104to think (xiǎng) (xiang3) (siang3)
105to smell (xiù), (wén) (wen2) (uen2)
106to fear () (pa4)嚇怕吓怕 (hä5 pa4)
107to sleep (shuì), 睡覺睡觉 (shuìjiào)睡瞌睡 (sui4 ko2 sui4) (shuei4)
108to live (huó) (ho2) (ho5)
109to die () (si3) (sy3)
110to kill (shā) (sa2) (sha5)
111to fight吵架 (chǎojià)*, 打架 (dǎjià)*, 打仗 (dǎzhàng)*吵架 (cao3 jia4), 角逆 (go2 nyie2)打架 (da3 ja4)
112to hunt打獵打猎 (dǎliè)[[#Mandarin|]]打獵打猎 (da3 lie4)
113to hit () (da3) (zou4)
114to cut ()*, (qiē)*, (jiǎn)*[[#Mandarin|]] (cie5)
115to split劈開劈开 (pīkāi)*, 裂開裂开 (lièkāi)*, 分開分开 (fēnkāi)*[[#Mandarin|]]劈開劈开 (pi5 kä1)
116to stab ()[[#Mandarin|]] (cho5)
117to scratch (sāo), (zhuā) (kou1) (gua5)
118to dig (), (jué) (wa1) (ua5)
119to swim游泳 (yóuyǒng)游泳 (you2 yun4)划水 (hua2 shuei3), 游泳 (iou2 iong4)
120to fly (fēi) (fei1) (fei1)
121to walk (zǒu)*, 走路 (zǒulù)*, 步行 (bùxíng)* (zou3) (zou3)
122to come (lái) (nai2) (lä2)
123to lie (as in a bed) (tǎng) (tang3) (tang3), (shuei4)
124to sit (zuò) (zo4) (zo4)
125to stand (zhàn) (zan4) (zhang4)
126to turn (intransitive) (zhuǎn)* (guai3) (zhuang4)
127to fall落下 (luòxià)*, 掉下 (diàoxià)* (diao4) (lo5), (diao4)
128to give (gěi) (ge1) (gi3)
129to hold (), () (na2) (la2)
130to squeeze () (ji1) (zi3)
131to rub (róu)* (rua2) (rou2)
132to wash () (xi3) (si3)
133to wipe () (ca2), (kai1) (ma5), (ca5), (kä1)
134to pull () (ce3) (la1)
135to push (tuī) (song3) (tuei1)
136to throw (rēng), (diū) (suai3) (diao4)
137to tie (bǎng) (bang1), (kun3), (suan1) (bang3)
138to sew (féng) (fong4) (fen2)
139to count (shǔ), (diǎn) (su3) (su3)
140to say (shuō), (jiǎng) (so2) (sho5), (jang3)
141to sing (chàng) (cang4) (chang4)
142to play (wán) (sua3) (uang2)
143to float () (fu2) (fu2)
144to flow (liú) (niu2) (liou2)
145to freeze結冰结冰 (jiébīng), 凍結冻结 (dòngjié)結冰结冰 (jie2 bin1)上凍上冻 (shang4 dong4), 結冰结冰 (je5 bin1), 凍冰冻冰 (dong4 bin1)
146to swell膨脹膨胀 (péngzhàng)[[#Mandarin|]] (zhang4)
147sun太陽太阳 (tàiyang)太陽太阳 (tai4 yang2)太陽太阳 (tä4 iang2)
148moon月亮 (yuèliang)月亮 (yue2 niang4)月亮 (üe5 liang4)
149star (xīng), 恆星恒星 (héngxīng)*星宿兒星宿儿 (xin1 xiur4), 星星兒星星儿 (xin1 xinr1)星星 (sin1 sin1)
150water (shuǐ) (sui3) (shuei3)
151rain () (yu3) (ü4)
152river () (ho2) (ho2)
153lake () (fu2) (hu2)
154sea (hǎi) (hai3) (hä3)
155salt (yán)鹽巴盐巴 (yan2 ba1) (iän2)
156stone (shí)*, 石頭石头 (shítou)石頭石头 (si2 tou2-1)石頭石头 (shr5 tou2)
157sand (shā)河沙 (ho2 sa1)沙子 (sha1 zy3)
158dust塵土尘土 (chéntǔ) (hui1) (huei1)
159earth土壤 (tǔyǎng) (tu3) (tu3)
160cloud (yún) (yun2) (üin2)
161fog () (wu4) (u4)
162sky (tiān) (tian1) (tiän1)
163wind (fēng) (fong1) (fen4)
164snow (xuě) (xue2) (süe5)
165ice (bīng) (bin1) (bin1)
166smoke (yān)煙煙烟烟 (yan1 yan1) (iän1)
167fire (huǒ) (ho3) (ho3)
168ash (huī)*, 灰燼灰烬 (huījìn) (hui1) (huei1)
169to burn (shāo) (sao1) (shao1)
170road () (nu4) (lu4)
171mountain (shān) (san1) (shang1)
172red (hóng) (hong2) (hong2)
173green绿 ()绿 (nu2)绿 (lu5)
174yellow (huáng) (huang2) (huang2)
175white (bái) (be2) (bä5)
176black (hēi) (he2) (hä5)
177night夜晚 (yèwǎn)擦黑 (ca2 he2), 晚上 (wan3 sang4)晚上 (uang3 shang4)
178day白天 (báitiān)白天 (be2 tian1)白天 (bä5 tiän1)
179year (nián) (nyian2) (liän2)
180warm溫暖温暖 (wēnnuǎn)[[#Mandarin|]]暖和 (luang3 ho2)
181cold (lěng) (nen3) (len3)
182full滿 (mǎn)滿 (man3)滿 (mang3)
183new (xīn) (xin1) (sin1)
184old (lǎo)*, (jiù)* (nao3)*, (jiu4)* (lao3)*, (jou4)*
185good (hǎo) (hao3) (hao3)
186bad (huài) (huai4), (pie4) (huä4), (lä4), (lao1)
187rotten (làn)[[#Mandarin|]] (lang4)
188dirty (zāng) (zang1), 齷齪龌龊 (o2 co1) (zang1)
189straight (zhí) (ni2) (zhr5)
190round (yuán) (yuan2) (üän2)
191sharp (as a knife) (jiān)*, ()*, 鋒利锋利 (fēnglì), 銳利锐利 (ruìlì) (jian1) (kuä4)
192dull (as a knife) (dùn) (den4) (duen4)
193smooth光滑 (guānghuá)[[#Mandarin|]] (hua5)
194wet湿 (shī)湿 (si2) (chao2)
195dry (gān) (gan1) (gang1)
196correct (duì)*, 正確正确 (zhèngquè)* (dui4) (duei4)
197near (jìn) (jin4) (jin4)
198far (yuǎn) (yuan3) (üän3)
199right (yòu) (you4) (iou4)
200left (zuǒ) (zo3) (zo3)
201at (zài) (zai4) (zä4)
202in…… …… (zài… lǐ) (zai4) (zä4)
203with (gēn) (ho2) (gao4), (gen1)
204and () (ho2) (gao4), (gen1)
205if如果 (rúguǒ)假比 (jia3 bi3)假如 (ja3 ru2)
206because因爲因为 (yīnwèi)因為因为 (yin1 wei4)因爲因为 (in1 uei2)
207name (míng)*, 名字 (míngzi)* (min2)名字 (min2 zy4)

See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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